
Information about patents filed/approved:

Sr. No. Title of Patent Date of filed Date of Approved  View Certificate 
1. A culture medium  composition
(Indian patent)
Regd. No. 1553/MUM/2009
(Regd. Date:24/04/2009)
Ind. Patent. No. 260402
Apr. Date: 29/08/2014
2. Formulation for the treatment of bacterial blight disease
(Indian patent)
Regd. No. 2027/MUM/2010
(Regd.  Date: 21/07/2010)
Ind. Patent. No. 335342
Apr. Date: 20/03/2020
3 Enzyme conjugated  metal oxide  NPs and its application in sugar  production
(Indian patent)
Regd. No.2537/MUM/2014A
(Regd.  Date: 07/08/2014)
Ind. Patent. No. 346414
Apr. Date: 04/09/2020

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