Learning Outcomes



 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Student seeking admissions for B.A. programme are expected to imbue with following quality which helps them in their future life to achieve the expected goals.

  • Realization of human values & ethics.
  • Sense of social service.
  • Responsible and dutiful citizen.
  • Ability to Creative & independent and lifelong learning.
  • Understand critical thinking.
  • Learn effective communication skill.
  • Demonstrate social interaction & effective citizenship.
  • Understand environment and sustainability.

Programmes Outcomes (PO’s) For B.A. (MARATHI)

PO 1 Creating an interest in literature.
PO 2 Availing the job opportunities in translation, transformation and media.
PO 3 Developing language.
PO 4 Increasing the critical attitude about literary studies. e. Imbuing the literary research attitude.

Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.A. (MARATHI)

  B.A.I (मराठी साहित्य : कथा आणि भाषिक कौशल्ये विकास) G1
CO 1 कथा या साहित्यप्रकारची ओळख करून घेणे.
CO 2 कथा या साहित्यप्रकारचे स्वरूप घटक आणि प्रकार यांची ओळख करून घेणे.
CO 3 कथा या साहित्यप्रकारातील निवडक काठाचे अध्ययन करणे.
CO 4 भाषिक कौशल्ये विकास करणे.
B.A.II (भाषिक कौशल्य विकास आणि आधुनिक मराठी साहित्यप्रकार ) G2
CO 1 कादंबरी या साहित्यप्रकारचे स्वरूप, घटक प्रकार आणि वाटचाल समजून घेणे.
CO 2  नेमलेल्या कादंबरीचे आकलन, आस्वाद आणि विश्लेषण करणे.
CO 3 भाषिक कौशल्य विकास करणे.
B.A.II ( आधुनिक मराठी साहित्य-प्रकाशवाटा) S1
CO 1 आत्मचरित्र या साहित्यप्रकारचे स्वरूप संकल्पना समजावून घेणे.
CO 2 आत्मचरित्र या साहित्यप्रकारच्या प्रेरणा आणि वाटचाल यांची ओळख करून घेणे.
CO 3 ललित गद्यातील अन्य साहित्यप्रकारच्या तुलनेत आत्मचरित्राचे वेगळेपण सामावून घेणे.
CO 4 नेमलेल्या आत्मचरित्राचे आकलन, आस्वाद आणि विश्लेषण करणे.
B.A.II (साहित्यविचार आणि समीक्षाविचार) S2
CO 1 भारतीय आणि पाश्चात्य साहित्यविचाराच्या आधारे साहित्याची संकल्पना, स्वरूप आणि प्रयोजन विचार समजावून घेणे.
CO 2 साहित्याची निर्मिती प्रक्रिया समजावून घेणे.
CO 3 साहित्याची भाषा आणि शैली विचार समजावून घेणे.
B.A.III (भाषीक कौशल्यविकास आणिआधुनिक मराठी साहित्यप्रकार)जी 3
CO 1 मुद्रित माध्यमांसाठी लेखन कौशल्ये आत्मसात करणे.
CO 2 प्रवासवर्णन या  साहित्यप्रकारचे स्वरूप, प्रेरणा, प्रयोजने,वैशिष्ट्येआणि वाटचाल समजावून घेणे.
CO 3 नेमलेल्या प्रवासवर्णनाचे आकलन,आस्वादआणि विश्लेषण करणे..
B.A.III (मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयाचा स्थूल इतिहास : प्रारंभ तेइ.स. १६००)एस 3
CO 1 वाङ्मायेतिहास संकल्पना, स्वरूप, प्रेरणा, प्रवृत्ती समजून घेणे.
CO 2 मध्ययुगीन कालखडाची सामाजिक, संस्कृतिक पार्श्वभमूी समजून घेणे.
CO 3 मराठी भाषा, साहित्याचा कालखंडानुरूप इतिहास समजून घेणे.
B.A.III (भाषाविज्ञान)एस 4
CO 1 भाषेचे स्वरूप,वैशिष्ट्ये व कार्य समजावून घेणे.
CO 2 भाषा अभ्यासाची आवश्यकता स्पष्ट करणे..
CO 3 भाषा अभ्यासाच्या शाखा आणि विविध पद्धतींचा थोडक्यात परिचय करून घेणे.
CO4 वागेंद्रियाची रचना, कार्य आणिस्वननिर्मितीची प्रक्रियासमजावून घेणे.
CO5 स्वनविज्ञान, स्वनिमविचार आणि मराठीची स्वनिम व्यवस्थासमजावून घेणे.


Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.A. (HINDI)

Program outcome: B.A. (Hindi)
PO1. · Realized the importance of literature in creating aesthetic, mental, moral, intellectual development of an individual and society.



· Students are able to write on various aspects in literature, social, economic political, environmental issues in the form of story, poetry, research articles, reports, etc. in various periodicals & journals.
PO3. · Students are able to know social issues in order to create social awareness with the help of literature.
PO4. · Gained the ability to criticise the literature and to understand social issues and able to suggest remedies to improve social life.
PO5. ·  Understand the co-relation of society and literature.
PO6. · Able to express social values in the form of articles, novels, stories, etc.
PO7. · Developed various communication skills such as reading, listing, speaking, etc., which will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.


Program Specific Outcome: B.A. (Hindi)
PSO1. ·         Develop attitude of literary forms. (Hindi Poetry& Fiction)
PSO2. ·         Develop reading, writing & communication skills of students.
PSO3. ·         Get information about the history of ancient, medieval and modern Hindi literature.
PSO4. ·         Understand the basic concept and trends of literature.
PSO5. ·         Get information about modern trends of literature.
PSO6. ·         Develop various skill of Hindi Language.
PSO7. ·         Applications of translation and Prayojanmulak Hindi concepts.
PSO8. ·         To enhance language and skill.
PSO9. ·         The latest development of literary works in the world and within the country.


Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcome Department of Hindi

Course Outcomes of B.A. (Hindi)

Class Course Outcomes








Vaiklpik Hindi

·         Develop interest in literature, fiction and poetry.

·         Develop Hindi reading and linguistic comprehension of students.

·         Make special use of language for their expression.

·         Understand the basic forms of fiction and poetry.

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as Internet, Facebook,  Computer, What sup, Twitter.

·         Know the new trends study of Advertisement writing.





Vaiklpik Hindi

·         Develop interest in literature, fiction and poetry.

·         Develop Hindi reading and linguistic comprehension of students.

·         Make special use of language for their expression.

·         Understand the basic forms of fiction and poetry.



Aadhunik Kahani Kayva tatha Vyavaharik Hindi

·         Understand the types of Hindi Short story writing.

·         Develop literary tendencies

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as Poem, Story and Hindi Prose.

·         Get introduction of Hindi writer.




Aadhunik kavya Vyangya sahitya tatha Vyavaharik Hindi

·         Understand the types of Vyangya Sahitya writing.

·         Develop literary tendencies.

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as Poem, and hindi Prose.




Madhyayugin Kavya tatha Upnyas Sahitya

·         Understand the basic forms of fiction and poetry.

·         Get information about Sant poet & their Literature.

·         Get information Well Known poet Sant Kabeer, Mirabai

·         Get information Well Known Writer Mamta Kaliya.




Madhyayugin kavya tatha Natak Sahitya

·         Understand the basic forms of poetry and drama.

·         Get information about Sant poet & their Literature.

·         Get information Well Known poet Rahim, Bihari .

·         Get information Well Known Writer Mannu Bhandari.




·         Know Indian Poetry structure in ancient and modern era.

·         Know the importance of criticism

·         Increase vision regarding literary value.

·         Know the concept and process of literature.



Sahitya Ke Bhed

·         Know Indian Poetry structure in ancient and modern era.

·         Know the importance of criticism

·         Increase vision regarding literary value.

·         Know the concept and process of literature.




Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as One Act Play, Essay and Hindi Prose

·         Study Grammar which acquainted them to the correct usage language.

·         Use literature to develop their social and moral sense in life.




Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as One Act Play, Essay and Hindi Prose

·         Study Grammar which acquainted them to the correct usage language.

·         Use literature to develop their social and moral sense in life.





·         Get acquainted with Hindi grammatical forms and functions.

·         Get acquainted with morphological concepts and processes.

·         Get acquainted with the basic concepts in syntactic and semantic levels of Hindi language.

·         Know the importance of language in human life.

·         Understand the communication process and method




Hindi Bhasha or Uska Vikas

·         Get acquainted with Hindi grammatical forms and functions.

·         Get acquainted with morphological concepts and processes.

·         Get acquainted with the basic concepts in syntactic and semantic levels of Hindi language.

·         Know the importance of language in human life.

·         Understand the communication process and method





Kathetar Vidhayen

·         Introduce the modern forms of hindi prose- Rekhachitr.

·         Introduce the modern forms of hindi prose- Sansmaran.

·         Get introduction of Hindi writer.

·         To know and improve importance of summery writing skill.



Gajhal Vidyayen Or Patrachar

·         Introduce the modern forms of hindi prose-Hindi Gajhal.

·         Deference in Hindi and Urdu Gajhal.

·         Get introduction of Hindi Gajhal Poet.

·         To know forms and importance of official letters.

Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcome Department of Hindi


Program outcome: M.A. (Hindi)

PO1. ·         Realized the importance of literature in creating aesthetic, mental, moral, intellectual development of an individual and society.



·         Students are able to write on various aspects in literature, social, economic political, environmental issues in the form of story, poetry, research articles, reports, etc. in various periodicals & journals.
PO3. ·         Students are able to know social issues in order to create social awareness with the help of literature.
PO4. ·         Gained the ability to criticise the literature and to understand social issues and able to suggest remedies to improve social life.
PO5. ·         Understand the co-relation of society and literature.
PO6. ·         Able to express social values in the form of articles, novels, stories, etc.
PO7. ·         Developed various communication skills such as reading, listing, speaking, etc., which will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.


Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcome Department of Hindi

Program Specific Outcome: M.A. (Hindi)
PSO1. ·         Develop attitude of literary forms. (Hindi Poetry& Fiction)
PSO2. ·         Develop reading, writing & communication skills of students.
PSO3. ·         Get information about the history of ancient, medieval and modern Hindi literature.
PSO4. ·         Understand the basic concept and trends of literature.
PSO5. ·         Get information about modern trends of literature.
PSO6. ·         Develop various skill of Hindi Language.
PSO7. ·         Applications of translation and Prayojanmulak Hindi concepts.
PSO8. ·         To enhance language and skill.
PSO9. ·         The latest development of literary works in the world and within the country.

Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcome Department of Hindi

Course Outcomes of M.A. (Hindi)

Class Course Outcomes




Madhyayugin Kavya

·         Understand the basic forms of fiction and poetry.

·         Get information about Sant poet & their Literature.

·         Get information Well Known poet Sant Kabeer, Jayasi, Tulsidas, Surdas, Mirabai, Rahim, Bihari .

·         Get information Well Known Madhyakalin Kavya and Poet.




Katha Sahitya

·         Understanding story writing

·         Get information about the Novel Literature.

·         Understanding the definition and elements of the story

·         Familiarity with Hindi story writers.

·         Familiarize yourself with Hindi stories.




Bhartiya Kavyashastra

·         Know Indian Poetry structure in ancient and modern era.

·         Know the importance of criticism

·         Increase vision regarding literary value.

·         Know the concept and process of literature.

M.A. I


Natkkar Mohan Rakesh

·         Introducing playwright Mohan Rakesh

·         Introducing the plays of Mohan Rakesh.

·         Understanding the elements and nature of drama




Kathetar Gadya Sahitya

·         Understand the basic forms of fiction and Hindi Prose.

·         Get information about Hindi Novel.

·         Get information Well Known writer Premchand, Prasad, Yashpal, etc.



Shodh Pravidhi

·         To understand research methodology.

·         Types of Research.

·         Comparative Research of various languages.



Pachhyatya Kavyashastra

·         Know western Poetry structure in ancient and modern era.

·         Know the importance of criticism

·         Increase vision regarding literary value.

·         Know the concept and process of literature.


M.A. I


Vaikalpik – Hindi Upnyas Sahitya

·         Introducing novel writer Bhishm Sahani, Ranendra, etc.

·         Introduction of Tamas, Chhappar, Giligadu, Global Gaon ke Devta.

·         Understanding the elements and nature of novel.


Class Course Outcomes




Aadhunik Kavya

·         Understand the types of Hindi Short story writing.

·         Develop literary tendencies

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as Poem, Story and Hindi Prose.

·         Get introduction of Hindi writer.






·         Get acquainted with Hindi grammatical forms and functions.

·         Get acquainted with morphological concepts and processes.

·         Get acquainted with the basic concepts in syntactic and semantic levels of Hindi language.

·         Know the importance of language in human life.

·         Understand the communication process and method




Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as One Act Play, Essay and Hindi Prose

·         Study Grammar which acquainted them to the correct usage language.

·         Use literature to develop their social and moral sense in life.




Hindi Aalochna

·         Get information about the Hindi Aalochna.

·         Understand Socio-Cultural & Political Impact on Hindi Literature.

·         Get information Well Known Hindi critics writer in Hindi

·         Know the gender equality among the literature.




Aadhunik Kavita

·         Understand the types of Hindi Short poem writing.

·         Develop literary tendencies.

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as Poem.

·         Get introduction of Hindi writer.






Hindi Bhasha ka Vikas

·         Get acquainted with Hindi grammatical forms and functions.

·         Get acquainted with morphological concepts and processes.

·         Get acquainted with the basic concepts in syntactic and semantic levels of Hindi language.

·         Know the importance of language in human life.

·         Understand the communication process and method




Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas

·         Introduce to the minor genres such as One Act Play, Essay and Hindi Prose

·         Study Grammar which acquainted them to the correct usage language.

·         Use literature to develop their social and moral sense in life.





Bhartiya Lok Sahitya

·         Get information about the Bhartiya lok Sahitya.

·         Understand Socio-Cultural & Political Impact on Bhartiya lok Sahitya.

·         Various forms of loksahitya.

·         Know the gender equality among the literature.


Programme Outcomes (PO’s) B.A. (ENGLISH)

PO 1 Developing skills of language for competitive examination.
PO 2   Basic knowledge of English language and literature.
PO 3  Knowing Phonology, Phonetics, Semantics and Syntax  of English Language.
PO 4 Knowing various genres of literature
PO 5 Inculcating life skills and communication skills

 Programme Outcomes (PO’s) B.A. (ENGLISH) 

PO 1 Introduction of CBCS-2019-20 English Syllabus to Students.
PO 2 Basic knowledge of English Grammar.
PO 3 Basic knowledge of Phonology, English Language and Literature.
PO 4 Introduction with minor forms of literature and critical study of English literary studies.
PO 5 Contribution to the overall personality development of students emotional quotient as well as independent thinking.
PO 6 Introduction to linguistic and communication skills.

Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.A. (ENGLISH) 

  B.A I (Compulsory English/Optional English)
CO 1 Introduction and exposition of best examples of prose, poetry, communicative and life skills.
CO 2 Improvement of language skills and development of students linguistic competence and communication skills.
CO 3 Introduction with minor forms of  literature to students: poetry, prose, essay, short stories, and one act play, etc.
CO 4 Introduction of Phonology of English so as students can pronounce better and speak English correctly.
  B.A II and B.A. III (Compulsory, Optional English & Special English)
CO 1 Enhancement of employability of the students by developing there basics soft skills
CO 2 Identification of the career opportunities suitable for the students.
CO 3 Introduction to the basics of literary criticism.
CO 4 Development of aptitude for critical analysis.
CO 5 Encouragement to think critically and building of self confidence
CO 6 Critical understanding of literature: drama, novel and poetry.
CO 7 Relation between literature and real life.
CO 8 Emotional development of human mind.
CO 9 Developments of overall linguistic competence of students.
  Course Outcomes (CO’s) F.Y.B.Com. (Compulsory English)
CO1 Introduction of new syllabus of English(CBCS 2019-20) to students with best examples of prose , poetry, communication and life skills.
CO2 Realization of beauty and communicative power of English.
CO3 Development of oral and written communication skills of students to enhance employability.
CO4 Exposition of contemporary socio-economic and cultural life.
  Course Outcomes (S.Y.B.Sc. Optional English)
CO1 Introduction to the use of English in multimedia.
CO2 Introduction to the students with language skills in multivalent contexts.
CO3 Development of speaking skill in various contexts.
CO4 Introduction to the students with advanced writing skills in different contexts.
CO5 Development of soft skills.


Program Outcome B.A. (Geography)



PSO1 Serve as a Geographer

PSO2Work as a teacher in schools and high schools

PSO3Serve as conservator in forest, Soil, Agricultural departments.

PSO4Work in disaster and water resources management.

PSO5 Serve in forest department as forest conservator.

PSO6 Serve in cartographer in map making divisions of Government.

PSO7Work in NGOs.

PSO8Can Prepare for Competitive exams.

PSO9Students come to know about geographical, socio-economic and political background of India.

PSO10Students apply geographical knowledge in their day to day life like being alert about disasters, weather and climate data,

Programme Specific Outcomes B.Sc. (Geography)


Specific Outcomes

PSO1 Serve as a Geographer

PSO2 Work as a teacher in schools and high schools

PSO3 Serve as conservator in forest, Soil, Agricultural departments.

PSO4Work in disaster and water resources management.

PSO5 Serve in forest department as forest conservator.

PSO6Serve in cartographer in map making divisions of Government.

PSO7 Work in NGOs.

PSO8 Can Prepare for Competitive exams.

Course Outcome for Environmental Awareness


Specific Outcomes

PSO1 Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.

PSO2 Understand Structure, Components of Atmosphere.

PSO3 Study about Nutrient cycling.

PSO4 Understand the types, functions and component of ecosystem and biodiversity, its types, conservation methods, and preservation of ecosystem.

PSO5 Understand the value of Resource.

PSO6 Understand environmental problems there Cause, Effect and Remedies.

PSO7  Get knowledge about environmental hazards and management.

PSO8  Make aware about conservation of resources.

PSO9   Understand the role of environmental legislation laws and acts for environment protection and conservation.

PSO10  Understand the fundamental concept related to environment, meaning, structure, types, component, geography and environment, man’s interaction with environment

PSO11  To understand the environmental global problems such as deforestation, desertification, depletion of ozone, global warming, La-nina and El neon.

PSO12  Study the environmental planning and management for future and also understand the climatic changes and its effect on environment and human being.




PSO1To maintain updated curriculum.

PSO2 To take care of fast development in the knowledge of Geography.

PSO3 To enhance the quality and standards of Geography Education.

PSO4 To provide a broad common frame work, for exchange, mobility and free dialogue across the Indian Geography and associated community.

PSO5 To create and aptitude for Geography in those students who show a promise for higher studies and creative work in Geography.

PSO6 To create confidence in others, for equipping themselves with that part of Geography which is needed for various branches of Sciences or Humanities in which they have aptitude for higher studies and original work.

Course Outcomes for B.A. Geography



After completion of these courses students should be able to;

F.Y.B.A. Physical Geography Sem-I  (G-1)

CO1  Describing human-environment, and nature-society interactions as well as global human and environmental issues.

CO2  Identifying and explaining the planet‟s human and physical characteristics and processes, from global to local scales.

CO3  Evaluating the impacts of human activities on natural environments.

CO4 Applying knowledge of global issues to local circumstances to evaluate the local effects of the issues.

CO5  Showing an awareness and responsibility for the environment.

F.Y.B.A. Human Geography Sem-II  (G-1)

CO1 Students will acquire an understanding of and appreciation for the relationship between geography and culture.

CO2 Students will read, interpret, and generate maps and other geographic representations as well as extract, analyze, and present information from a spatial perspective.

CO3 Students will have a general understanding of global human population patterns, factors influencing the distribution and mobility of human populations including settlement and economic activities and networks, and human impacts on the physical environment.

CO4  Students will be able to think in spatial terms to explain what has occurred in the past as well as using geographic principles to understand the present and plan for the future.

CO5  Students will have a general understanding of how the physical environment, human societies, and local and global economic systems are integral to the principles of sustainable development.

CO6  Students will have a general understanding of the various theoretical and methodological approaches in both physical and human geography and be able to develop research questions and critically analyze both qualitative and quantitative data to answer those questions.

CO7 Students will be able to present completed research, including an explanation of methodology and scholarly discussion, both orally and in written form and, wherever possible, utilize cartographic tools and other visual formats.

S.Y.B.A. Gg-210 –A Economic Geography- I

Semister- III

CO1 Understandthe basic principles and concepts of economic Geography.

CO2 Studentunderstands the application of economic Geography.

CO3 Student had understood integrate various factors of economic factors of economic development.

CO4 Student will be understands types of the economic activity.

CO5 Understand nature and scope of the economics of development.

CO6 Student is eligible for understand the concepts of Resources.

CO7 Understand how the Agriculture is useful for economic development.

S.Y.B.A. Gg-210 –B Economic Geography- II

Semister- IV

CO1 acquaint students with the basic principles and concepts of economic geography

CO2 acquaint the students with the applications to economic geography for development in different areas

CO3 Student understand the economic development and to know the dynamic condition of economic geography.

CO4 Understand the industrial policy at global and local level.

S.Y.B.A. Gg-220-APopulation Geography (S-1) Semi- III

CO1 Student understood the history of the population growth.

CO2 Introduction of basic concepts of population Geography.

CO3 Understand the types of population data and uses..

CO4 Studentunderstands the growth of demographic attributes.

CO5 Understand the composition of population.

S.Y.B.A. Gg-220-B Population geography (S-1) Semi- IV

CO1 Introduction of population policy of India and China

CO2 Understand the Health indicator in India

CO3 Known the concepts of urbanization in India.

CO4 understand the population theories in world.

CO5 To understand problems of urbanization in India.

S.Y.B.A. Gg-201-A  Scale and Map Projection

 (S-2) Semi- III

CO1 Understand the basic concepts in practical Geography.

CO2 Student understand scales and projection techniques in Geography

CO3 Student understand utility of various projection and Geographical knowledge

CO4 Understand essential principles of practical work in Geography

CO5 Develop practical skill and use of map scale and projection

CO6 Student aware of the new techniques accuracy and skills of map making

S.Y.B.A. Gg-201-B  Cartographic Techniques Survey and Excursion

 (S-2) Semi- IV

CO1 Understand the basic and contemporary concepts in Cartography.

CO2Understand the ability and application of various Cartographic Techniques.

CO3Understand the concepts of modern cartography.

CO4 Student understand the elementary and essential principles of Practical work in the Geography

CO5 Develop practical knowledge and application of cartographical techniques.

CO6 students aware of the new techniques, accuracy and skills of Map Making. 


S.Y.B.A. Applied Course of Disaster Management


CO1 Introduction of basic concepts and fundamental structure of disaster Management.

CO2 development of critical thinking and problem solving ability on disaster management.

CO3 Student had assessed the situation and design plan for disaster management.

CO4 To understand the different phases for disaster management.

CO5 Development of the capacity of the Assessment of the disaster Management.

T.Y.B.A. Gg-310 –A Geography of Tourism- I

Semister- V

CO1.  Understand the history of Tourism

CO2 Introduce the students to the basic concepts in Tourism Geography.

CO3 Understand the types of Tourism

CO4 Gain knowledge different aspects of Tourism Geography              

CO5 Understand nature and scope of the Tourism.

T.Y.B.A. Gg-310 –A Geography of Tourism- II

Semister- VI

CO1. Student understand Geography and Tourism of Nation

CO2 Student understand the Prospects of  Tourism

CO3 Students to understand the inter relationship between the subject and the  Tourisum

CO4 Student understand the recents trends in regional Geography and Tourism.  

T.Y.B.A. Gg-320 –A Geography of India- I

Semister- V

CO1.Student understand Geography of Nation.

CO2 Student understand the Prospects of nation

CO3 students to understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society

CO4 Student understand the recants trends in regional Geography

T.Y.B.A. Gg-320 –A Geography of India- I I

Semister- VI

CO1. Student understand Geography  and the cultural element.

CO2 Student understand Transportation and Communication

CO3 Students to understand the Recourse

CO4 Student understand the significance of Agriculture.

T.Y.B.A. Gg-301 –A Practical Geography- I

Semister- V

CO1. Student understand the Toposheet and its Index

CO2 Student understand the Interpretation of  S.O.I

CO3 Student know the weather Maps

CO4 Understand the important of the GIS and Remote sensing

T.Y.B.A. Gg-301-BPractical Geography- I I

Semister- VI

CO1. Student  understand the Geographical Data and  analysis

CO2 Calculation of Central Tendency and dispersion.

CO3 Testing and application of Hypothesis

CO4 Understand the important of field excursion

 Course Outcomes for B.Sc. Geography

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Introduction To Physical Geography  – I (Paper I ) Sem-I

CO1 The students will be familiar with the earth’s interior

CO2  Develop an idea about earth movements and the related topography.

CO3  Acquire knowledge about different types of rock and their origin .Influence of the rocks on land form and topography

CO4  Explain different types of geomorphic processes like weathering and mass wasting and cycle of erosion.

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Population And Physical Geography –II (Paper II)  Sem-I

CO1 Gain knowledge different aspects of population geography

CO2 Develop an idea about the concept of Migration.

CO3 Understand the nature of population. Know about composition of population, like- age, sex marital status, family, economic composition and language.

CO4 Analyze the global trend and patterns of population growth in developing countries, and migration patterns.

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Practical In Physical Geography (Paper III) Sem-I

CO1 Gain knowledge about topographical maps and apply this knowledge in ground surface.

CO2 Develop an idea about scale and draw different types of scale like linear, diagonal and venire.

CO3 Acquire knowledge different types of map projection.

CO4 Develop an idea about scale and draw different types of scale like linear, diagonal and Venire

CO5 Know about diagrammatic data presentation like line, bar and circle.

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Introduction To Human Geography  (Paper I ) Sem-II

CO1 Gain knowledge about major themes of human geography.

CO2Develop an idea about space and society

CO3Build an idea about population growth and distribution of population.

CO4 Know about population –resource relationship.

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Population And Settlement Geography (Paper II) Sem-II

CO1  Build an idea about urban and rural settlements, and its relationship with environment and also different theories related to settlement geography

CO2  Know about classification and morphology of settlements.

CO3Understand the trends and patterns of world urbanization.

CO4 Know about different theories of urban growth.

F.Y.B.Sc. Gg- 110- Practical In Human Geography (Paper III) Sem-II

CO1 Different types of settlement and characteristics and their methods.

CO2 They can know about the quantitative techniques in geography.

CO3Gain knowledge about crop combination by Weber, Bhatia’s

S.Y.B.Sc. Gg 231& Gg232: Environment Geography Paper-I Semi III and IV

CO1 Crieate the environmental awareness amongst thestudent.

CO2  Understand the fundamental concepts of environment.

CO3  Understand the Man and environment relationship.

CO4 Understand the Environmental problem.

CO5 Introduction of Enevironment impact and assessment.

CO6 Know about the Environmental planning and Management.

S.Y.B.Sc. Gg 231& Gg232: Geography of Maharashatra. Paper-II Semister III and IV

CO1   Introduce the students to the basic Geographical factor of Maharashtra State.

CO2 Studenthad understand the Physiographic condition of the the Maharashtra.

CO3  Made the interrelation of climatic condition and vegetation in this state.

CO4 Understand the people and Culture in this state. And Also know the industrial activity in this state.

S.Y.B.Sc. Gg 233: Surveying I and II for Semister  III and IV.

CO1  Made the  Introduction for the Surveying

CO2 understand the how to made the plane table survey.

CO3 Understand the Prismatic compass Survey.

CO4 StudentUnderstand the mechanism about the GPS survey.

CO5 Acquireknowledge of preparation of drawing of profile with the help of Dumpy level, GPS.

CO6  Made the introduction about Dumpy and Auto level survey.

CO7 Understand the mechanism about the Theodolite survey.

CO8  Student will be understand and  how to made the Excursion for village survey.

T.Y.B.Sc Semi- V and VI

CO1  Understand the Regional Geography of India

CO2 Understand the Econmoic activity of human being

CO3 know the fundamentals of tourism

CO4 Aware about the important of the soil.

CO5  Management of the Natural Resources.

CO6   Gain the skill for the Geoinformatics.

CO7   Develops the techniques in Quantitative Analysis

CO8   Understand the techniques in Geography

CO9   Development of the Research Methodology

CO10   Understand the Total Station Survey.

Course Outcome for M.A/ M.Sc. Geography



After completion of these courses students should be able to;

Course : GGUT-235 Geoinformatics -II

CO1  Made the Introduction about the remote sensing

CO2  Understand the different between EMR and EMS

CO3  Understand the importance of the Platforms and Satellites

CO4 Understand the mechanism of the Sensors.

CO5  .Understand the importance about the Arial Photography

Course : GGUT-236 Geographical Thought

CO1 Students will acquire an understanding Historical Development of Geographical Thought.

CO2 Students will read, interpret, and generate Dualism in Geography

CO3 Understand Paradigms.

CO4  To understand the resent trends in Geography.

CO5  Understand the application of Geography in different sector.

CO6  Students will have a general understanding of the various theoretical and methodological approaches in both physical and human geography and be able to develop research questions and critically analyze both qualitative and quantitative data to answer those questions.

CO7 Studentswill be able to present completed research, including an explanation of methodology and scholarly discussion, both orally and in written form and, wherever possible, utilize cartographic tools and other visual formats.

M.A/ M.Sc Geography  Part-I

CO1   Understand the Principles of Geomophology and application

CO2 Know the element of the weather and climate in environment

CO3 Student understand the human activity

CO4 Understand the Population data.

CO5   Student understands the nature of settlement and its types.

CO6  Development in the Practical skill in the physical and Human Geography

CO7   understand the important of the Geoinformatics.

CO8   Understand the Agriculture activity and its important.

CO9   Development of the concepts of the Industrial activity.

CO10  construct the new idea about the statistical Geography

M.A/ M.Sc Geography  Part-II

CO1   Development of the information of Geoinformatics.

CO2 Understand the Geographical Thought and its history

CO3 Development of the new concepts of the rural development.

CO4 Understand the concept of the Watershed Management.

CO5Know about the Economic concepts to practical technology

CO6  Understand the the regional Geography of India

CO7  Understand the important of the soil

CO8  Development idea about the regional planning

CO9  Student understand the important of tourism activity

CO10 Development of the research activity of research project.


  B.A. III  History    2021-22
Indian National Movement (1885-1947) It will increase the spirit of healthy Nationalism, Democratic Values and Secularism among the Students.
Students will understand various aspects of the Indian Independence Movement and the creation of Modern India.
It will enable students to develop an overall understanding of Modern India.
Introduction to Historiography Students will be introduced to the information and importance of Historiography.
Students will be introduced to the different Methods and Tools of data collection. 
Students can study the interdisciplinary approach of History
Maharashtra in the 19th Century Appreciate the skills of leadership and the Socio-religious System of the Maharashtra
Student will learn significance of Regional History and Socio- religious reformism foundation of the region.
It will enhance their perception of 19th Century Maharashtra.

South Indian Art and Architecture

(From 4th Century A.D. to 12th Century A.D.)

They will understand the changing patterns of the Art and Architecture in South India.
They will understand the impact of Persian Art on Islamic Art and Architecture in South India

 F.Y.B.A. Political Science

F.Y.B.A. Political Science Syllabus

Extra Credit syllabus will be implemented with effect from The Academic year 2021-2022 at College Centers

Skill Enhancement Course (SEC -Value/Skill Based Course )

1 F.Y.B.A Basics of Indian Constitution

CO 1 –  To acquaint students with the important features of the Constitution of India and with the basic Framework of Indian government.

CO 2 –   To familiarize students with the working of the Constitution of India.



( G-1)

Introduction To Indian Constitution

CO 1 –  To acquaint students with the important features of the Constitution of India and with the basic Framework of Indian government.

CO 2 –   To familiarize students with the working of the Constitution of India.

S.Y.B.A. Political Science Syllabus


Revised Syllabus will be implemented with effect from the

Academic year 2021-2022

CBCS pattern to be implemented from 2021-2022

3 S.Y.B.A An Introduction to Political Ideologies

CO-1 Students of politics are concerned about and interested in the various principles of that intellectual discipline. It may never be known conclusively whether humans alone are capable of formulating and then utilizing abstract ideas to govern their behavior.

CO 2-   None can dispute however that ideas about politics constitute a most important element in that realm. While ideas are not in and of themselves Ideologies, they are part of the  raw material needed to produce a Full-fledged ideology.

CO 3-    As will be seen below ideologies have special qualities that set them apart from other political entities. When combined with other factors such as effective leadership, persuasive rationale’, timely development, and popular appeal political ideology goes a considerable distance in the direction of comprehending things political. Nature of Political Ideologies Ideas have been called “immaculate perceptions” of an imperfect reality.

CO 4- This may also be applicable to the concept of political ideologies. The students of political science will get enriched by studying Ideologies as it enhances their analytical skills of public phenomenon

4 S.Y.B.A Western Political Thought CO 1-  Providing an insight into the dominant features of Ancient Western Political Thought: Ancient Greek political thought with focus on Aristotle and Plato; Roman Political Thought: its contributions with special emphasis on the emergence of Roman law.
CO 2- Examining the features of Medieval Political Thought.CO 3- Evaluating the Renaissance; political thought of Reformation; and Machiavelli.

CO 4- Critically examining Bodin’s contributions to the theory of Sovereignty, Hobbes as the founder of the science of materialist politics; Locke as the founder of Liberalism with focus on his views on natural rights, property and consent; and Rousseau’s views on Freedom and Democracy; Bentham’s Utilitarianism; and John Stuart Mill’s views on liberty and representative government.

CO 5-  Taking an insight into the following: Hegel’s views on Civil Society and State Utopian and Scientific socialism: basic characteristics.

CO 6- Examining the varieties of non-Marxist socialism: Fabians, Syndicalism, Guild Socialism, German Revisionism.

5 S.Y.B.A Political Journalism

CO 1 –  Complex relationship between the communication, media and power politics.

CO 2 – Critical appraisal of practices of political image management, campaigns, Propaganda and censorship.

CO 3 – Indian context of political Journalism.

T.Y.B.A. Political Science Syllabus

Extra Credit syllabus will be implemented with effect from The Academic year 2021-2022 at College Centers

Skill Enhancement Course (SEC -Value/Skill Based Course )



( G-3 )

Local Self Government In Maharashtra

CO 1 – Students enable to  explain the role of British imperial   on local government in India.

CO 2 – Students enable to  understand the contributions of various committees on local government.

CO 3 – Students enable to    describe the features and provisions of Constitutional Amendment  Acts regarding Local Government Institutions.

CO 4 – Students enable to  equip the learner to play an active and responsible leadership role in the functioning of Local Government Institutions.

CO 5 – Students enable to    describe the significance and role  ofGramaSabha in Maharashtra.



( S-3 )

Public Administration

CO1 -Clarifies the meaning, scope, nature and importance of public administration, public and private administration and new public administration.

CO2 -Highlights bases of organization, line and staff, chief executive, forms of organization, Government Corporation, independent regulatory commission, principles of organization, scalar principle, unity of command, span control.

CO3 -Covers recruitment, methods of recruitment, promotion, principle of promotion, moral, training, union public service commission.

CO4 -Explains process and principle of budget, audit, accounting system in India, public estimate committee and public accounts committee.

CO5 – deals with people’s participation in administration-its importance and problems, machinery for redressal of citizens grievances, ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayuktas.



( S-4 )

International Relations

CO1 -This  paper  deals  with  concepts  and  dimensions  of  International  Relations  and  makes  an analysis  of  different  theories  highlighting  the  major  debates  and  differences  within  the different  theoretical  paradigms.  CO2 -The  dominant  theories  of  power  and the  question  of  equity and  justice,  the  different  aspects  of  balance  of  power  leading  to  the  present  situation  of  a unipolar   world   are   included.

CO3 -It’s   highlights   various   aspects   of   conflict   and   conflictsresolution,  collective  security  and  in  the specificity  of  the  long  period  of  the  post  second world war phase of the cold war, of Detent and Deterrence leading to theories of rough parity in armaments.

9 T.Y.B.A Samyukta Maharashtra Movement

CO1 -This  Course  is  an  introduction  to  the  political  process  in  Maharashtra  with  special reference to regionalism sub-regionalism and Samyukta Maharashtra Movement.

CO2 -The  aim  of  the  course  is  that  students  are  expectedto  understand  both  the  historical evolution of Maharashtra’s politics and different analyses of politics of the state.

CO3 -It  tries  to  acquiant  students  with  the  main  issues and  concerns  in  the  public  life  of  a regional society as it shaped in the concept of colonialism, nationalism and modernity.


Sr. No. Programme outcomes ( Stream ) U.G 
1. Understandingthe nature and development in National and international politics.
2. Analyzing the Indian constitutional provisions major legislations and reforms.
3. Critical evolution of social economic and political variables for proper understanding of the plurality Indian society.
4. Building overall consciousness regarding national political history international relation and present India and western political thinkers.
5. Developing knowledge of administrative studies with social reference to administrative structure and practice.
6. Examining India’s foreign relations with her neighbour and great powers.
7. Use aapke study method for analysing the working of important international and regional organisations.

 Department Of Political Science

Programme Specific Outcome

As we all know today, Political Science is a social science discipline that not only studies government & state but, at the same time, applies empirical theory & scientific methods to the analysis of political matters. As the world today revolves round political as well as economic considerations, a formal degree of Political Science has the utmost practical applicability. Its subject matter is concerned with the everyday life of an individual living in a society and state. Political Science is the study of political behavior, governance and power and how these are shaped by institutional settings and by the ideas, interests and resources of political actors. Therefore, a degree in political science not only enables students to enhance their grasp of the basic structures and processes of governmental systems, public policies and political forces that directly impact their lives, but also help them analyze political problems, arguments, information and theories and to apply methods appropriate for accumulating and interpreting data applicable to this discipline. Above all, it aids students in becoming informed citizens by amplifying knowledge on their entitlement to the rights and duties within a state.

  • An Honours graduate of Political Science of the college should possess the capability to: 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental political processes, institutions, actors, behavior, and ideas; and familiarity with major theories, methods, and concepts of Political Science.
  • Demonstrate a proficiency in thinking systematically about political interactions in national, global and international contexts. Demonstrate proficiency in thinking systematically about the ethical dimensions of Politics.
  • Write effectively, engage in intellectually grounded oral debate and form and express coherent arguments.
  • Synthesize, analyze, and critically evaluate major arguments in the discipline.
  • Comprehend the basic structures and processes of government systems and/or theoretical underpinnings.
  • Analyze political problems, arguments, information, and/or theories.
  • Apply methods appropriate for accumulating and interpreting data applicable to the discipline of political science.
  • Educate the elected representatives about the parliamentary procedures and constitutional position of the country.


Programme Outcomes (PO’s) B.A. ECONOMICS 2020-21

PO 1 Understanding how different degrees of competition in a market affect pricing and output.
PO 2 Understanding the efficiency and equity implications of market interference, including government policy.
PO 3 Developing research knowledge in economics.
PO 4 Developing the skill of data collection & use of sampling techniques in research.
PO 5 Developing the knowledge about theories of economic growth & Development and issues of economic planning.
PO 6 Creating awareness about changing macro-economic policies and theories.

Course Outcomes (CO’s) Economics

CO 1 Understanding characteristics, features, structural changes in Indian Economy.
CO 2 Comprehension of the nature and impact of New Economic Reforms on the Indian Economy.
CO 3 Knowing the problems of unemployment, poverty, rising economic and social inequality and problems of regional imbalances in India.
CO 4 Evaluating the changing role of agriculture, industrial and service sector and foreign sector in Indian Economy.
CO 5 Measuring the problems and prospects of cottage and small scale industries, and industrial sicknesses.
CO 6 Measuring the growth, volume, composition and direction of India’s foreign trade and capital inflow since 1991.
CO 1 To understand fundamentals of modern financial system.
CO 2 To understand the recent trends and developments in banking system.
CO 3 To understand the role of the Reserve Bank of India in Indian financial system.
CO 4 To provide the knowledge of various financial and non-financial institutions.
CO 5 To provide the students the intricacies of Indian financial system for betterfinancial decision making.
T.Y. B. A.  Sem. V and VI Indian Economic Development-I
CO 1 To relate and recognize the concept and indicators of Economic Development
CO 2 To describe and analyze the concept and indicators of Human Development
CO 3 To explain the characteristics of Developing and Developed Countries.
CO 4 To describe the constraints to the process of Economic Development
CO 5 To describe and examine the changing structure of planning process in India
CO 6 To describe and explain the relation between Economic Development and Environment

 Program Outcomes of BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (B.COM)

Students who have taken admission to this program of B.Com are expected to concentrate upon the following outcomes.

  • Develop Commercial sense & managerial skills.
  • Entrepreneurial skill.
  • Budgeting policy.
  • Human Resources Management.
  • Develop Numerical ability.
  • Well versed with business regularity framework.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s) B.COM 

PO 1 Understanding basic concepts of accountancy, principles of accountancy and accounting cycle to maintain accounts of trading & non-trading organizations.
PO 2 Getting acquainted with the procedure of preparation of income statements, retained earnings, balance sheet and statement of cash flows which are required for external users and more useful to managers for managerial decision making.
PO 3 Inculcating different skills for analysis and interpretation of financial data to understand financial health of an organization and ensure that resources are being used to achieve the organizations objectives.
PO 4 Developing knowledge about cost ascertainment and fixation of selling price and cost control.
PO 5 Obtaining the knowledge of various provisions of Income Tax Act and their applications in computations of taxable income of an individual under different heads of income
PO 6 Getting working knowledge of generally accepted auditing procedure, techniques and skills.

 Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.COM 

Course Outcome
B. Com.- I Financial Account
CO 1 Students will be able toacquire in-depthknowledge
CO 2 Students understanding emerging trendsin accounting and its effect on accounting Practices.
CO 3  Students get knowledge about process of dissolution of partnership firm.
CO 4 Students obtain Knowledge about single entry systems
CO 5 Students will be able tounderstand the process andimportance of conversionof single entry into doubleentry system
CO 6 Students will gainknowledge about GST and  its implications.
B.Com- I   Marathi
CO 1 Illustrating the nature of short story.
CO 2 Explaining the nature of characterization, literate and philosophical writings.
CO 3 Illustrating one-act-play, travelogue and autobiography as the forms of literature.
CO 4 Illustrating the general skills and usages of Marathi in day-to-day life.
  B.Com- I  Business Economics
CO 1 Students will understand basic concepts of micro economics and will be able to analyze and Interpret.
CO 2 Students will know cardinal and ordinal approach
CO 3 Students will understand the concept of demand and elasticity of demand
CO 4 Students able to interpret equilibrium in the market
CO 5 Students will understand revenue concept
CO 6 Students will know economies and diseconomies of scale
  B. Com. I  –  Banking & Finance – I
CO 1 Students will understanding structure of Indian Banking
CO 2 Students will understanding primary and secondary functions of a bank.
CO 3 Students will understanding the process of opening and operating procedure of bank accounts.
  B. Com. I-  Business Mathematics and Statistics –
CO 1 Students will be able to apply concepts of interests and annuities to calculate EMI, prepare amortization schedule, calculate insurance premiums, etc. 
CO 2 Students will be able calculate dividend, brokerage on shares and mutual funds.
CO 3 Students will be able to take a sample of appropriate size using suitable method of sampling.
CO 4 Students will be able to calculate measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.
CO 5 Students will be able to use appropriate measure of central tendency or measure of dispersion for given data to given problems from business or economics.
  B. Com. I – Marketing and Salesmanship- I
CO 1 Student will get acquainted with the basics of Marketing field.
CO 2 Students will develop the skills of Pricing the product along with gaining knowledge on Product Mix
CO 3 It will help the students to apply the various techniques of Promotion and understand the various channels of distribution
CO 4 It will help students to implement this knowledge in practicality by enhancing their skills in the field of market segmentation.
B.Com – II .Corporate Accounting
CO 1 Students will develop conceptual understanding about various Accounting Standards and its applicability in corporate accounting.
CO 2 Students will  develop analytical skills (by understanding the allocation and apportionment of incomes and expenses for the Pre and Post-Incorporation)
CO 3 Students will understand Practical Application of financial statements along with various adjustments.
CO 4 Students will  understand the concept and need of valuation of shares
CO 5 Students will understand the methods of valuation of shares.
B. Com. II – Business Economics
CO 1 Students will understand basic concepts of  Macroeconomics and Will be able to analyze and interpret
CO 2 Will know various concepts of national income
CO 3 Students will understand the methods of calculation of national income and difficulties involved therein.
CO 4 Students will understand the concept of saving and investment
CO 5 Students will know the effect of multiplier and acceleration in the economy.
CO 1 Students will acquaint with knowledge and maturity to understand Company
CO 2 Students will acquaint knowledge and application of formation and incorporation of Company
CO 3 Students will understand the knowledge about the principal documents of the company.
CO 4 Students will inculcate skills and knowledge about the share capital of the company
CO 5
  B. Com. II –   Business Communication
CO 1 Students will understand of basic knowledge of Business Communication
CO 2 Students will understand the importance and Essentials Qualities of business letters.
CO 3 Students will understand the knowledge about soft skills. To create awareness about soft skill among the students
CO 4 Students will able to write resume and Job application letter.
CO 5 Students will be acquired ability  for Business Correspondence
  B. Com. II –   Business Management
CO 1 Students will get an idea about the Basic managerial process
CO 2 Students will get an idea about how planning works in real life.
CO 3 Students will understand the process of implementation of both the concepts.
CO 4 Students will understand importance of proper direction and team work.
  B. Com. II –   Marking Management – I
CO 1 Student will get acquainted with the basics of Marketing Management subject
CO 2 Students will to know the preferences, likes and dislikes of the consumer which lead to the further modernization of the sales strategies by marketer
CO 3 Students will implement this knowledge practical situations by enhancing their skills in the field of Marketing.
CO 4  Students will understand the effect of external environment on decision- making of the firm.
  B. Com. II –   Banking & Finance I  
CO 1 Students will understand the structure of Indian Banking System and analyzing the role of banking in economic development
CO 2 Students will be understanding about the central Banking in India
CO 3 Students will understanding or role and performance of private banking in India
CO 4 Students will understand about public sector banking India and analyze the challenges before public sector Banks.
B. Com. III  – Auditing
CO 1 Student will Acquaint with knowledge and maturity
CO 2 Student will Conceptual Clarity and Practical understanding of Vouching Verification and valuation and Types of Audit Report..
CO 3 Practical knowledge about appointment, reappointment and other related provision..
CO 4 Students will understand meaning, objective and advantages of auditing.
CO 5 Student will know about Power, duties and liabilities of company auditors
B. Com. III – Business Regularity Framework
CO 1 Students will acquaint knowledge and maturity to understand Contract Law.
CO 2 Students will acquaint knowledge and application of Partnership Deed.
CO 3 Students will get training to face emerging issues relating Sale of Goods Act.
CO 4 Students will give Comprehensive insight about the emerging trend of Arbitration and conciliation and its regulatory mechanism
B. Com. III – Advanced Accountancy
CO 1 Developing understanding on applicability of various Accounting Standards
CO 2 Knowledge about of the Accounting for Capital Restructuring
CO 3 Conceptual Clarity and Practical understanding of preparation of final accounts of banking companies.
CO 4 Developing knowledge about Investment Accounting
B. Com. III – Indian and Global Economic Development
CO 1 Student will Students will understand basic concepts of Development..
CO 2 studentsWill know Difficulties in agricultural development in India.
CO 3 Students will able to interpret the features of Indian Industrial Sector.
CO 4 Students Will know the importance of Infrastructural Development in Indian Economy
  B. Com. III–  Banking & finance II
CO 1 Student will Understanding the Indian Financial System.
CO 2  Student will be Understanding the meaning, structure and role of Financial System in India..
CO 3 Students will Understanding the meaning, functions,credit instruments, deficiencies and recent development in Money Market in India.
  B. Com. III  – Marketing Management II
CO 1 Students will Understanding the actual requirement of legal framework in India
CO 2 Students will Understanding the major insights of Factories Act 1948.
CO 3 Students will  Make students aware about Employees State Insurance Act
CO 4 Student will Make students aware about The Employees Provident funds and  Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
   B. Com. III – Banking & Finance III
CO 1 Understanding the Banking Regulation Act 1949 with Objectives and selective Provisions.
CO 2 Understanding the Provisions of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
CO 3 Understanding the Objectives, Importance, Selective Definitions and Provisions Insolvency and Bankruptcy
CO 4 Understanding the details Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
CO 9 Explanation of regulatory and promotional role of central banking, and its role in economic development.
  B. Com. III – Marketing Management III
CO 1 Student will understand the concept of advertising and advertising media
CO 2 Student will  enable the students to study the Appeals and Approaches in Advertisement
CO 3 It will help the students to apply the various Economic and social aspects of advertising
CO 4 It will help them to implement this knowledge in practical situations by enhancing their skills in the field of Marketing.

 Programmes Outcomes (PO’s) B.Sc. – Mathematics

PO 1 Give the students a sufficient knowledge of fundamental principles, methods and a clear perception of innumerous power of mathematical ideas and tools and know how to use them by modeling, solving and interpreting.
PO 2  To equip the students sufficiently in both analytical and computational skills in Mathematical Sciences
PO 3 To develop a competitive attitude for building a strong academic – industrial collaboration, with focus on continuous learning skills.
PO 4 Enhancing students overall development and to equip them with mathematical modeling abilities, problem solving skills, creative talent and power of Communication necessary for various kinds of employment.
PO 5 Enabling students to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject of study.
PO 6 Enabling students to Gauge the hypothesis, theories, techniques and proofs Provisionally.

BBA Outcome for A.Y. 2021-22

Programe outcomes :-

Programe Outcomes Buildup self-confidence and competency to take up self-employable business ventures.
  Develop Entrepreneurship skills.

Programe outcomes:-


Programme Outcomes


Ø Acquire Knowledge of management and practices to solve business problems.

Ø Acquire professional skills and develop analytical skills for data based decision making.

Ø Ability to understand and development of important business skills such as leadership, communication skills, critical thinking and decision making.

 Course Outcome :-

Course After Completion these Courses Students Should be able to :-


Principles of Management(101)

Practice the process of management’s & functions of Management & its utility in human life.
 Evaluate leadership styles to anticipate the consequences of each leadership style
 Understand the working of business organization
 Business Communication Skills (102)
 Students will be able to know the concept, process and importance of communication skill.
 It helps to build up an integrative approach where reading, writing, presentation skills are used together
 This enhances the students’ ability to communicate and write effectively.
 It helps to create awareness among students about Methods and Media of communication.
 This helps to create students familiar with information technology and improve job seeking skills


 Business Accounting(103)

 Financial accounting gives the student a theoretical understanding or how accounting principles work within business content.
 Along with theoretical knowledge students even get practical experience.
 Accounting help the students to understands basic principles, rules and how to prepare the financial data of the particular the firm.

Business Economics (Micro)(104)



v It helps to understand students to basic micro economic concepts.
v It applies economic analysis in the formulation of business policies.
v It uses economic reasoning to problems of business.


Business Mathematics(105)


v Students learned basics of fundamental maths& Its Use.
v Studied business problems how it solves by use of maths.
v Studied matrices and determinants & is Use.
v Learned the concept of LPP and transportation problem.


Business Demography& Environmental Studies(106)


v Understanding environmental concerns by the students at the undergraduate level.
v Understanding the relationship of man with the environment.
v Understand the importance of demographic study for Business & Commerce



Business Organization and Systems


v It helps to make the awareness about various activities of business, business practices and recent trends in business world.
v It helps to understand the challenges before the businesses and setting up of a business enterprise.
v To develop the spirit of entrepreneurship among the students.



Principles of Marketing(202)

v It helps to introduce and familiarize the student’s basic concepts of marketing and it’s general nature, scope and importance.
v This informs appropriate knowledge and understanding of its primary functions and applications and its gradual evolution and development.
v This assist to develop basic and essential skills related to marketing.
v This helps to provide a learning platform for preparing students for marketing employability opportunities essential for industries.
Principles of Finance(203)
v Students will be able to know nature, importance, structure of finance related areas.
v This helps to acquire knowledge regarding sources of finance for a business.
Basics Cost Accounting(204)
v It is a process of accounting for costs.
v It records income and expenditure relating to production of goods and services
v It provides statistical data on the basis of which future estimates are prepared and quotations are submitted.
v It is concerned with cost ascertainment, cost control and cost reduction.
v It establishes budgets and standards so that actual cost may be compared to find out deviations or variances.
v It involves the presentation of right information to the right person at the right time so that it may be helpful to management for planning, evaluation of performance, control and decision making.
Business Statistics(205)
v The study of Statistical techniques helps to enhance analytical techniques.
v The study of Statistical techniques will helps to apply statistical techniques for business organization.
v The study of Statistical techniques will help to find errors and making decisions for business growing
Business Informatics(206)
v To know the basics of Computer
v To understand the basics of networking
v To know the basics of internet
v To know the basics of databases


 Principles of  Human Resource Management (301)

v HRM helps to understand the Humane Resource role & Responsibility, condition in the organization.
v HRM helps to understand human resource policies in the organization
v HRM is the lifeblood of every Company flows by utilizing the human resources.
v HRM tells us how to deal with HR in recent manner.
Supply Chain Management (302)
v To understand the fundamental concepts in Materials and Logistics Management.
v To familiarize with the issues in core functions in materials and logistics management
v To understand Warehousing and its role in Space Management.
Global Competencies Personality Development (303)
v Improve the student confidence level.
v Increase Communication skills, Motivation,   Maximize Strength & Minimize Weakness.
v Assertiveness Attitude of student.
v Optimism Positivity and Happiness.
Fundamental knowledge about Rural Development (304)
v To understand the development issues related to rural society.
v To find the employment opportunities for rural youth.
v To create interest among the rural youth to participate in rural development programmes and schemes for sustainable development.
v To discourage seasonal and permanent migration to urban areas.
305 A MM – Consumer Behaviour& Sales Management
v To understand fundamental concept of the processes and skills necessary to be successful in personal selling and insights about recent trends in sales management.
v To understand fundamental concept of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage the sales function – organization – sales individual
v To develop  advanced skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, Motivational techniques
306 A MM – Retail Management
v To provide insights into all functional areas of retailing.
v To give a perspective of the Indian retail scenario.
v To identify the paradigm shifts in retailing business with increasing scope of technology and e-business.
Management Accounting(305 B FM)
v To acquire basic knowledge of Management Accounting.
v It helps to familiar terms with the implications of various financial ratios in decision making.
v To understand the concept of budgetary control and its application in business.
v To build up the calculating ability of various techniques of management accounting.
Banking & Finance (306 B FM)
v To Study of banking function and its operations.
v To study the functioning of Regulatory Authorities in India.
v To study recent technology in banking industry.
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management(401)
v To understand the concept and process of Entrepreneurship.
v To Acquire Entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness.
v To get acquainted with the concept of Small Business Management.
v To understand the role and contribution of Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in the growth and development of individual and the nation.
Production and Operation Management (402)
v Identify the customer needs and convert that into a specific product or service (numbers of products required for specific period of time)
v Based on product requirement do back-ward working to identify raw material requirements
v Engage internal and external vendors to create supply chain for raw material and finished goods between vendor → production facility → customers.
Decision Making and Risk Management-(403)
v To learn the key topics in decision making and risk management so that they can improve decision making and reduce risk in their management activities and organizations.
v Find the best alternative in a decision with multiple objectives and uncertainty.
v Describe the process of making a decision.
v Analyze an organization’s decision making system.
v Develop a risk management process.
International Business Management (404)
v To acquaint the students with emerging trends and issues in International Business.
v To study the impact of International Business Environment on foreign market operations.
v To analyze International trade models.
v To analyze the International Investment and its risks associated.
v To understand financial aspects in world economies, their need and functionality
Advertising and Promotion Management- (405) A-MM
v To develop knowledge and understanding of importance of advertising.
v To understand different sales promotion techniques.
v To know about promotion management
v To understand the process of online advertising.
Digital Marketing (406) A-MM
v To provide students with the Knowledge about business advantages of the digital marketing and its importance for marketing success.
v To help students become In demand professional by being acquainted through various Digital channels & their ways of Integration.
v To get Basic Knowledge of Google Analytics for measuring effects of Digital Marketing & getting Insights of Future trends that will affect the future
Business Taxation- 405- B-FM
v To understand different concepts & definitions under Income Tax Act 1961.
v To understand the importance of Taxation to the students.
v To update the students with the latest development in the subject of Taxation.
Financial Services. 406 B- FM
v To study & Understand working of Indian financial system.
v To make the students well acquainted regarding financial markets
v To study & Understand working of Indian financial system.


Research Methodology (501)


v To develop an understanding of the right approach of Research Methodology and its role in Business.

v  To develop an understanding of the basic framework of the identification of various sources of information for data collection.

v To develop an understanding of various Designs, Tools and Techniques of Research Study.

v To enable the students in conducting Research work and write Research Paper and Research Project Report.

Database Administration and Data Mining (502)

v  To understand the Database Management System

v To understand the Data Mining Concepts

v  To understand the current trends in Data Management

Business  Ethics (503)

v To provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Business Ethics

v  To develop theoretical tools to understand current ethical issues and their impacts on business.

v To analyze the role of Ethics in business, Government and Society.

v To analyze the Ethical scenario concerning to Environment and consumer protection.

Management of Corporate Social Responsibility (504)

v To understand the concept and process of CSR

v  To Understand the industrial contribution for CSR Policy

v To Understand the context of CSR of present-day Management

v To Understand the contribution of CSR for the development of Society

Marketing Environment Analysis and Strategies  (505-MM)

v To develop students’ understanding of the factors shaping Marketing Environment

v To develop students’ ability to analyze the Business Environment

v To develop students’ understanding of the strategies for sustaining the forces in Marketing Environment

Legal Aspects in Marketing Management  (506-MM)
v To understand the application of different legal aspects in Marketing Management
Analysis of Financial Statements(505-FM)

v To develop the conceptual framework of financial analysis and provide practical exposure to apply various tools of Financial Statement Analysis.

v To enable to use of various types of ratios for financial and investment decisions.

v To impart knowledge about Cash Flow and Fund Flow Statements and their importance in financial analysis

Legal Aspects of Finance & Security Laws (506-FM)

v To understand the Legal Aspects of Finance & Security Laws.

v To know the legal provisions to obtain finance from various source of finance.

v To explore various finance & securities-related laws in India


Essentials of E-Commerce(601)

v To understand the importance, role, and activities of E-Commerce.

v To understand various E-Money and E-Payment systems used in E-Commerce.

v To understand the concept of E-Marketing and its tools in E-Commerce

v To Understand the concept of Cyber Space and Cyber Security in E-Commerce.

Management Information System (602)

v To describe the basic concept of Information Technology and Management Information System.

v To describe the role of information technology and information systems in business.

v To contrast and compare how MIS support business processes.

v To introduce the fundamental knowledge of Structured System Analysis and Design.

Business Project Management (603)

v To develop a significant understanding of Project Management.

v To develop a concept based approach towards Management of Business Projects.

v To develop the relationship between the significance of Businesses Projects & their Management.

Management of Innovations and Sustainability (604)

v To understand the concepts of Innovation and Sustainability in a practical sense

v To better know the significance of organisational sustainable development and the economic implications of sustainable development.

v To learn about the most common errors made when handling sustainable growth.

v To understand the concept of Sustainability Innovation. Understand socio-political aspects of sustainable development – social responsibility aspect.

International Brand Management (605-MM)

v To develop students’ understanding of the concept of developing brands

v To develop students’ understanding of the concept of brand equity

v To develop students’ understanding of the strategies in managing brand portfolios

Cases in Marketing Management + Project (606-MM) v To understand the application of theory into practice.
Financial Management  (605-FM)

v To know various sources of finance of business

v To study and understand the capital structure of the company and its cost of capital

v To study optimum capital mix & concept of over capitalisation& undercapitalization.

Cases in Finance +Project 606-FM)

v To Study &understand the core areas of finance

v To study the practical applications of finance.

v To prepare project reports based on the internship & understanding of core areas of finance.

Programmes Specific Outcomes (PSO’s) BBA(CA) (2021-22)

Students who take admission to the program of B.B.A. are expected to acquire the following outcomes:-

PO 1 To enlarge skilled manpower in the various areas of IT like DBMS, Software Development, Computer-Languages, Software engineering, Web based applications etc
PO 2 To make employable IT personnel, that will have sound knowledge of IT and business fundamentals that can be applied to develop and customize solutions for SME.
PO 3 To be trained in technologies & Programming languages, so the business problems could be solved.
PO 4 Developed communication and business management skills, particularly in providing technical support.
PO 5 Learn the basic concepts of Computers, Business environment and IT Applications in Business.
PO 6 Develop ability of technical writing skills so as to enable the students to communicate business ideas to senior management and general public.
PO 7 To recognize and improve their IT skills.
PO 8 Effectively learn & analyze technical data to make conclusions.
PO 9 To aware about ethics, values and sustainability in the corporate world.

 Course Outcomes (CO’s) BBA.(C.A.)

  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Modern Operating Environment & MS Office
CO 1 Learned regarding basic knowledge of computers
CO 2 Studied regarding Input and Output Devices
CO 3 Learned about MS Office
CO 4 Studied concept regarding Operating System, LAN,WAN.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Financial Accounting
CO 1 Helps students to acquire sound knowledge of basic concepts of accounting
CO 2 Gains  basic accounting knowledge
CO 3 Impart the knowledge about recording of transactions and preparation of final accounts
CO 4 Acquaint the students about accounting software packages (Tally)
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Programming Principles & Algorithms
CO 1 It is the basic requirement of programming as students learn basics from Algorithms and Flowcharts etc.
CO 2 Students get the knowledge of developing algorithms which develops the logical talent of the students.
CO 3 Students get job as  a  programmer in a good organizations.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Business Communication
CO 1 Students will be able to know the concept, process and importance of communication skill.
CO 2 It helps to build up an integrative approach where reading, writing, presentation skills are used together
CO 3 This enhances the students’ ability to communicate and write effectively.
CO 4 It helps to create awareness among students about Methods and Media of communication.
CO 5 This helps to create students familiar with information technology and improve job seeking skills.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Principles of Management
CO 1 1. Practice the process of management’s & functions of Management & its utility in personal life.
CO 2 Evaluate leadership styles to anticipate the consequences of each leadership style.
CO 3 Understand the working of business organization.
CO 4 Recent trends in Management.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Procedure Oriented Programming Using C
CO 1  To Study how to use programming in real time Applications
CO 2 Develop the problem solving capability
CO 3 Learned and develop well-structured programs using C language
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Database Management System
CO 1 To understand the file structure and file organization.
CO 2 An introduction regarding  of Database management system
CO 3 Database management system helps student to learn different types of data models.
CO 4 Students get knowledge about designing relational database.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Organizational Behavior
CO 1  Helps the students to understand the impact that individual, group & structures have on their behavior within the organizations.
CO 2 Enhance and apply the knowledge they have received for the betterment of the organization.
CO 3 Helps in understanding the basics related to individual behavior and its impact on their performance
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Computer Application in Statistics
CO 1  To know the ability of excel spreadsheet in computing summary statistics.
CO 2 To learn the concepts of different measures of central tendency and variation and their importance in business.
CO 3 To study the concept and applications  of probability, probability distributions in real life situations.
CO 4 To learn simulations in business world and decision making.
  F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  E-Commerce Concepts
CO 1 Studied about concepts of E-Commerce, E-com application, Website and hosting website domain name.
CO 2 Electronic fund transfer and e-cash ,paper less bill concepts studied
CO 3 Studied about intranet ,extranet and internet
CO 4 Learned security in e- com- encryption types.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Digital Marketing
CO 1 The aim of this syllabus is to give knowledge about using digital marketing in and as business.
CO 2 To make SWOT analysis, SEO optimization and use of various digital marketing tools.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Data Structure
CO 1 To understand the concepts of ADTs.
CO 2 To learn linear data structures – lists, stacks, and queues
CO 3 To understand sorting, searching and hashing algorithms.
CO 4 To apply Tree and Graph structures
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Software Engineering
CO 1 To understand System concepts.
CO 2 To understand Software Engineering concepts
CO 3 To understand the applications of Software Engineering concepts and Design in Software development
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Angular –  JS
CO 1 By the end of this course, the students should be able to Understand Client Side MVC and SPA.
CO 2 Explore AngularJS Component.
CO 3 Develop an AngularJS Single Page Application.
CO 4 Create and bind controllers with Javascript.
CO 5 Apply filter in AngularJS application.
CO 1 Understand how server-side programming works on the web.
CO 2 Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions.
CO 3 Understanding POST and GET in form submission. 4..
CO 4 Understanding POST and GET in form submission. 4. How to receive and process form submission data.
CO 5 Read and process data in a MySQL database.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Big Data
CO 1 To enable learners to develop expert knowledge and analytical skills in current and developing areas of analysis statistics, and machine learning
CO 2 To enable the learner to identify, develop and apply detailed analytical, creative, problem solving skills.
CO 3 Provide the learner with a comprehensive platform for career development, innovation and further study
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Block Chain
CO 1 Understand how blockchain systems (mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum) work.
CO 2 To securely interact with them,  Design, build, and deploy smart.
CO 3 Integrate ideas from blockchain technology into their own projects.
CO 1 To gain knowledge about Computer Networks concepts.
CO 2 To know about working of networking models, addresses, transmission medias and  connectivity devices..
CO 3 To acquire information about network security and cryptography.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Object Oriented Concepts Through CPP
CO 1 Acquire an understanding of basic object-oriented concepts and the issues involved in effective class design.
CO 2 Enable students to write programs using C++ features like operator overloading, constructor and destructor, inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Operating System
CO 1 To know the services provided by Operating System
CO 2 To know the scheduling concept
CO 3 To understand design issues related to memory management and various related algorithms.
CO 4 4. To understand design issues related to File management & algorithms.
  S.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Advance PHP
CO 1 To know & understand concepts of internet programming.
CO 2 Understand how server-side programming works on the web
CO 3 Understanding How to use PHP Framework (Joomla / Druple
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Node  –  JS
CO 1 Understand the JavaScript and technical concepts behind Node JS
CO 2 Structure a Node application in modules.
CO 3 Understand and use the Event Emitter.
CO 4 Understand Buffers, Streams, and Pipes.
CO 5 Build a Web Server in Node and understand how it really works.
CO 6 Connect to a SQL or Mongo database in Node.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Dot Net Programming
CO 1 It introduce visual programming and event driven programming practically
CO 2 Students learne about Architecture of ADO.Net
CO 3 It helps student to understand object oriented programming in VB.NET
CO 4 To increase applications development skills of the students
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Object Oriented Software Engineering 
CO 1 This subject helps students to get job as a Tester in software company.
CO 2 Students will learn the concept of software engineering in object oriented approach.
CO 3 This subject has large scope in every MNC’s.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Advanced Web Technology
CO 1 It give students the basic understanding of how things work in the Web world from the technology point of view as well as to give the basic overview of the web technologies.
CO 2 To understand the concepts of XML , AJAX and database connection.
CO 3 Students are able to build up a dynamic web pages.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Advance Java
CO 1  Understood the detailed knowledge of Threads and Multithreading
CO 2 Learned the basic concept of Java Database
CO 3  Learned the concepts of Servlet and JSP and how to deal with the client and server on web applications
CO 4 Understood the concepts of Socket Programming in java and concept like IP address , Data Input and Output Stream.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Recent Trends in IT
CO 1 This subject assists students to get awareness of recent trends in Information Technology.
CO 2 Students can learn the concept of Network Security, Cloud Computing etc, which helps students to get opportunity as a developer or network administrator in companies.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Software Testing
CO 1 This subject helps students to get job as a Tester in software company.
CO 2 This subject have wide scope in every MNC’s as Testing process is required from the starting of every project.
CO 3 Manual and Automation Testing both covers here, students can go for Certifications also which helps to get better opportunities in M.N.C’s.
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)   VB.NET
CO 1 Use the features of Dot Net Framework along with the features of VB, C# and ASP
CO 2 Design and develop window based and web based .NET applications.
CO 3 Design and develop a Website.
CO 4 Design and Implement database connectivity using ADO.NET for VB, C# and ASP
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)  Android Programming
CO 1 Student will be able to write simple GUI applications, use built-in widgets and components, work with the database to store data locally, and much more.
CO 2 Demonstrate their understanding of the fundamentals of Android operating systems Demonstrate their skills of using Android software development tools
  T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.)Soft Skill
CO 1 Understand the significance and essence of a wide range of soft skills
CO 2 Learn how to apply soft skills in a wide range of routine social and professional settings
CO 3 Learn how to employ soft skills to improve interpersonal relationships.
CO 4 Learn how to employ soft skills to enhance employability and ensure workplace and career success

Programmes Outcomes (PO’s) B.Sc. – Mathematics

A graduate of this program are expected to:
PO 1 Gain sound knowledge on fundamental principles and concepts of Mathematics and computing with their applications related to Industrial, Engineering, Biological and Ecological problems.
PO 2  Exhibit in depth the analytical and critical thinking to identify, formulate and solve real world problems of science and engineering.
PO 3 Get a relational understanding of mathematical concepts and concerned structures, and should be able to follow the patterns involved, mathematical reasoning.
PO 4 A student should get adequate exposure to global and local concerns that explore them many aspects of Mathematical Sciences.
PO 5  Apply their skills and knowledge, that is, translate information presented verbally into mathematical form, select and use appropriate mathematical formulae or techniques in order to process the information and draw the relevant conclusion.
PO 6 Be capable of undertaking suitable experiments/research methods while solving the real-life problem and would arrive at valid conclusions based on appropriate interpretations of data and experimental results.

 Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.Sc. – Mathematics

F. Y. B.Sc.- Paper I(Algebra &Analytical Geometry), Paper II (Calculus I & Calculus II )  Paper III ( Practical Based on Paper I & II)
CO 1 The mathematical maturity of students in their current and future courses Shall develop.
CO 2 The student develops theoretical, applied and computational skills.
CO 3  The student gains confidence in proving theorems and solving problems
  S. Y. B.Sc.- Paper I Calculus of several variables and Linear algebra), Paper II(  Numerical methods and its application  and Vector Calculus ) Paper III ( Practical Based on Paper I & II)
CO 1 The mathematical maturity of students in their current and future courses Shalldevelop.
CO 2 The student develops theoretical, applied and computational skills.
CO 3  The student gains confidence in proving theorems and solving problems
  T.Y .B .Sc.
  MT 351: Metric Spaces
CO 1  Understand the introductory concepts of metric spaces;
CO 2 Correlate these concepts to their counter parts in modern analysis by studying examples;
CO 3  Learn to analyze mappings between spaces.
CO 4 Attain background for advanced courses in real analysis, functional analysis, and topology.
CO 5  appreciate the abstractness of the concepts such as open balls, closed balls, compactness, connectedness etc. beyond their geometrical imaginations
MT: 352 Real Analysis-I
CO 1  learn the basic facts in logic and set theory
CO 2  Learn to define sequence in terms of functions from N to a subset of R and to understand several properties of the real line.
CO 3  Recognize bounded, convergent, divergent, Cauchy and monotonic sequences and to calculate their limit superior, limit inferior, and the limit of a bounded sequence.
CO 4  use the ratio, root, alternating series and limit comparison tests for convergence and absolute convergence of an infinite series of real numbers
MT-353: Group Theory
CO 1  recognize the mathematical objects that are groups, and classify them as abelian, cyclic and permutation groups, etc;
CO 2  analyze consequences of Lagrange’s theorem
CO 3 Learn about structure preserving maps between groups and their consequences.
CO 4

 Explain the significance of the notion of cosets, normal subgroups, and factor groups.



  MT-354- Ordinary Differential Equations
CO 1  Understand the genesis of ordinary differential equations.
CO 2 Learn various techniques of getting exact solutions of solvable first order differential equations and linear differential equations of higher order.
CO 3 grasp the concept of a general solution of a linear differential equation of an arbitrary order and also learn a few methods to obtain the general solution of
  MT 355(A): Operations Research
CO 1 Analyze and solve linear programming models of real-life situations.
CO 2  The graphical solution of LPP with only two variables, and illustrate the concept of convex set and extreme points. The theory of the simplex method is developed.
CO 3  The relationships between the primal and dual problems and their solutions with applications to transportation, assignment and two-person zero-sum game problem.
MT-356(B): Number Theory
CO 1 Some of the open problems related to prime numbers.
CO 2  About number theoretic functions and modular arithmetic.
CO 3  The Law of Quadratic Reciprocity and other methods to classify numbers as primitive roots, quadratic residues, and quadratic non-residues.
  MT-3510 Programming in Python I
CO 1 The student will be able to explain basic principles of Python programming language.
CO 2 The student will implement object oriented concepts.
MT-3511: LaTeX for Scientific Writing
  After studying this course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Write a simple LaTeX input document based on the article class.
CO 2 Turn the input document into pdf with the pdflatex program.
CO 3 Format Words, Lines, and Paragraphs.
CO 4 Understand how to present data using tables.
MT – 361: Complex Analysis
CO 1  Understand the significance of differentiability of complex functions leading to the understanding of Cauchy-Riemann equations.
CO 2  Evaluate the contour integrals and understand the role of Cauchy-Goursat theorem and the Cauchy integral formula.
CO 3  Expand some simple functions as their Taylor and Laurent series, classify the nature of singularities, find residues and apply Cauchy Residue theorem to evaluate integrals.
CO 4  Represent functions as Taylor, power and Laurent series, classify singularities and poles, find residues and evaluate complex integrals using the residue theorem.
MT: 362 Real Analysis-II
CO 1  Some of the families and properties of Riemann Integrable functions, and the applications of the fundamental theorems of integration.
CO 2  Beta and gamma functions and their properties.
CO 3  Recognize the difference between point wise and uniform convergence of a sequence of functions.
CO 4  Illustrate the effect of uniform convergence on the limit function with respect to continuity, differentiability, and integrability
MT: 363 Ring Theory
CO 1  The fundamental concept of Rings, Fields, subrings, integral domains and the corresponding homomorphism’s.
CO 2  Learn in detail about polynomial rings, fundamental properties of finite field extensions, and classification of finite fields.
CO 3  Appreciate the significance of unique factorization in rings and integral domains
MT 364: Partial Differential Equations
CO 1  Formulate, classify and transform partial differential equations into canonical form.
CO 2  Solve linear partial differential equations using various methods and apply these methods in solving some physical problems.
CO 3  Solve Laplace equations using various analytical methods demonstrate uniqueness of
MT 365 (A): Optimization Techniques
CO 1 Understand fundamentals of Network Analysis using CPM and PERT.
CO 2 Solve a sequencing Problem for various jobs and machines.
MT- 366(B): Computational Geometry
CO 1 Construct algorithms for simple geometrical problems.
CO 2  Characterize invariance properties of Euclidean geometry by groups of transformations.
CO 3  Describe and construct basic geometric shapes and concepts by computational means
  MT-3610: Programming in Python – II
  Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Demonstrate the use of Python in Mathematics such as operations research and computational Geometry etc.
CO 2  Study graphics and design and implement a program to solve a real world problem.
CO 3  The students will implement the concepts of data with python and database connectivity.
  MT-3611: Mathematics into LaTeX
  After studying this course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Typeset mathematical formulas, use nested list, tabular and array environments.
CO 2  Import figures and pictures that are stored in external files.

Department of Physics

 F.Y.BSc- Learning Outcomes



After completion of these courses students should be able to

Physics Sec I:

                                                     Mechanics and Properties of matter

1. Demonstrate an understanding of Newton’s laws and applying them in Calculations of the motion of simple systems.

2. Use the free body diagrams to analyses the forces on the object.

3. Understand the concepts of energy, work, power, the concepts of Conservation of energy and be able to perform calculations using them.

4. Understand the concepts of elasticity and be able to perform calculations using them.

5. Understand the concepts of surface tension and viscosity and be able to Perform calculations using them.

6. Use of Bernoulli’s theorem in real life problems.

7. Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered. 

Physics Sec II:

Heat Thermo-



1. Describe the properties of and relationships between the thermodynamic Properties of a pure substance.

2. Describe the ideal gas equation and its limitations.

3. Describe the real gas equation.

4. Apply the laws of thermodynamics to formulate the relations necessary to analyze a thermodynamic process.

5. Analyze the heat engines and calculate thermal efficiency.

6. Analyze the refrigerators, heat pumps and calculate coefficient of Performance.

7. Understand property ‘entropy’ and derive some thermo dynamical relations Using entropy concept.

8. Understand the types of thermometers and their usage.


Physics paper III: Practical


1. Acquire technical and manipulative skills in using laboratory equipment, tools, and materials.

2. Demonstrate an ability to collect data through observation and/or experimentation and interpreting data.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of laboratory procedures including safety, and Scientific methods.

4. Demonstrate a deeper understanding of abstract concepts and theories gained by experiencing and visualizing them as authentic phenomena.

5. Acquire the complementary skills of collaborative learning and teamwork in laboratory settings

# S.Y.BSc Physics – Learning Outcomes



After completion of these courses students should be able to

SYBSC PHY: I Electronics


1· Apply laws of electrical circuits to different circuits

2· Understand the relations in electricity.

3· Understand the properties and working of transistors

4· Understand the functions of operational amplifiers

5· Design circuits using transistors and operational amplifiers

6 .Understand the Boolean algebra and logic circuits 

SYBSC PHY: II Oscillation, Waves And Sound

This course will enable students to:

1· Understand the physics and mathematics of oscillations

2· Solve the equations of motion for simple harmonic, damped, and forced oscillator

3· Formulate these equations and understand their physical content in a variety of applications

4· Explain oscillation in terms of energy exchange, giving various examples

5· Solve problems relating to un-damped, damped and force oscillators and superposition of oscillation.

6·Understand the mathematical description of travelling and standing waves.

7·Recognize the one-dimensional classical wave equation and solutions to it.

8. Calculate the phase velocity of a travelling wave

9. Explain the Doppler effect, and predict in qualitative terms the frequencychange that will occur for a stationary and a moving observer

10.Define the decibel scale qualitatively, and give examples of sounds at various levels . 

T.Y.B.Sc. SEM – I – Learning Outcomes



After completion of these courses students should be able to

PHY – 351 Mathematical Methods in Physics II

CO-1. To understand Various Co-Ordinate system and transformation equations

CO-2. To understand Special theory of relativity and Michelson morleys experiment

CO-3 Tounderstand Differential equation and solution of Power Series

CO-4Understand Special Function for various polynomial and its solution 

PHY-352 Electrodynamic

CO-1. Understand the Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law Gauss law, Electric field,  Electrostatic Potential.

CO-2. Understand the Method of image charges: Point charge near an infinite grounded conducting plane, Point charge near grounded conducting sphere.

CO-3. Understand the Concepts of magnetic induction, magnetic flux and magnetic field

CO-4. Understand Concept of electromagnetic induction, Faradays law of induction, Lenz’s law, displacement current, generalization of Amperes’ law

CO-5. Understand the Maxwell’s equations (Differential and Integral form) and their physical significance.


Classical Mechanics



CO-1. To demonstrate an understanding of Newton’s law of Motion and their application like in field of Projectile motion and Rocket motion, Motion of a charged particle in constant electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field.

CO-2. Understand the Central Force and Kepler law for Planetary Motion

CO-3. To understand the Scattering of Particle and types of scattering.

.CO-4. To understand the Langrangian and Hamiltonian equation of motion and Limitations of Newtonian mechanics over it.

CO-5. To understand Canonical Transformation and Poisson’s Bracket.

CO-6 To improved problem solving skills in all the topics covered

PHY- 354  Atoms and Molecules

CO-1. To understand Atomic Structure and Spectra and energy levels of atom.

CO-2. To understand Pauli’s exclusive Principle and electron configuration

CO-3. To understand Spectral terms of two electron atoms, terms for equivalent electrons, LS and JJ coupling schemes.

CO-4. To understand Zeeman Effect and its Type and also Understand Stark Effect.

CO-5. To understand Various Spectroscopy like X-Ray spectroscopy Molecularspectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy.

PHY – 355 Computational Physics

Co-1.To understand concept of programming and C- programming.

Co-2. To understand arrays, pointers and user defined function in c- language.

Co-3. To understand Graphics in c-language.

Co-4. To understand Numerical methods to solve physics problems.

PHY – 356(D) Renewable energy source – I

Co-1. To understand Renewable energy sources.

Co-2. To understand solar insulation, solar water heating system and comparative study between flat plate collector and solar concentrator.

Co-3. To understand photovoltaic effect and photovoltaic convergence.

Co-4. To understand energy storage in conventional and non-conventional energy system.

PHY – 3510 (J) Sensor and transducer

Co-1.To understand mechanical and electromechanical sensor.

Co-2. To understand capacitive sensor.

Co-3. To understand thermal sensor such as material expansion type, solid, liquid, gas.

Co-4. To understand magnetic sensor.

PHY – 3511(K) Physics workshop skill

Co- 1. To understand basic of measurement.

Co-2. To understand electronics voltmeter.

Co-3. To understand CRO.

Co- 4. Signal generator and analysis instrument.

T.Y.B.Sc. SEM – II – Learning Outcomes

Course Outcomes
PHY- 361 Solid state physics

Co-1.To understand the crystal stsructure.

Co-2. To understand  x-ray diffraction and experimental method.

Co-3.To understand free electron and band theory of metals.

Co-4. To understand  magnetic materials.

PHY – 362 Quantum Mechanics

CO-1 To understand Origin of Quantum Mechanics and its historical background and various concepts of Q.M.

CO-2To underhand   Physical interpretation of wave function Schrodinger time dependent equation and Schrodinger time independent equation. Also student understand the Applications of Schrodinger Steady state equation for Free particle step potential and harmonic Oscillator

CO-3. To understand Schrodinger’s equation in spherical polar co-ordinate system

CO-4. To Understand Operators in Quantum Mechanics and its used to solved Problem.

PHY – 363 Thermodynamics and statistical physics

Co-1. To understand transport phenomenon and Maxwell relations.

Co-2. To understand  elementary concepts of statistic.

Co-3. To understand  statistical  distribution of system.

Co-4. To understand quantum distribution of system and MB statistics.

PHY – 364  Nuclear Physics

CO-1. Understand Basic Properties of Nucleus.

CO-2. Understand Radioactivity and half life period of Radioactive substance and its application in various field

CO-3. To understand Nuclear forces and its types also understand Quark model of Nucleolus and elementary particle.

CO-4. To understand to Various Accelerator and detector

CO-5. To Understand Nuclear fission, chain reaction and critical mass, nuclear reactor and its basic components, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors

PHY – 366( R) Laser

·CO-1 Laser Range Finding.

·Information Processing (DVDs and Blu-Ray)

·Bar Code Readers, Laser Surgery, Holographic Imaging, Laser Spectroscopy, Laser Material Processing.

CO-2  Laser technology is widely used in urological surgery, from lithotripsy, prostate surgery to en-bloc resection of tumours.

CO-3  While Holmium YAG has been widely employed over the last two decades, in recent years, there has been a surge of interest i

CO-4 A systematic review was conducted to assess the evidence from clinical research on TFL’s application.

PHY – 3610 ( v ) Solar PV system

·Co-1. To understand Photovoltaic effect.

·Co-2. To understand Solar radiation and measurements.

·Co-3. To understand Basic solar PV systems.

PHY – 3611 ( AB) Photography

·Co-1. To understand Interaction of radiation with matter.

·Co-2. To understand radiation detector.

·Co-3. To understand radiation units and measurement and exposure.

·Co-4. To understand radiation sources and radiation shielding.

·Co-5. To understand radiation protection and radiation application.

# MSc SEM – I – Learning Outcomes



After completion of these courses students should be able to

PHCT-111 Mathematical Methods in Physics

CO-1. To understand Various Co-Ordinate system and transformation equations

CO-2. To understand Special theory of relativity and Michelson Morley’s experiment

CO-3 Tounderstand Differential equation and solution of Power Series

CO-4Understand Special Function for various polynomial and its solution


Classical Mechanics



CO-1. To demonstrate an understanding of Newton’s law of Motion and their application like in field of Projectile motion and Rocket motion, Motion of a charged particle in constant electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field.

CO-2. Understand the Central Force and Kepler law for Planetary Motion

CO-3. To understand the Scattering of Particle and types of scattering.

.CO-4. To understand the Langrangian and Hamiltonian equation of motion and Limitations of Newtonian mechanics over it.

CO-5. To understand Canonical Transformation and Poisson’s Bracket.

CO-6To improved problem solving skills in all the topics covered

PHOT-114XXXC4 Laser and  Application

·CO-1 Laser Range Finding.

·Information Processing (DVDs and Blu-Ray)

·Bar Code Readers.

·Laser Surgery.

·Holographic Imaging.

·Laser Spectroscopy.

·Laser Material Processing

CO-2  Laser technology is widely used in urological surgery, from lithotripsy, prostate surgery to en-bloc resection of tumours.

CO-3  While Holmium:YAG has been widely employed over the last two decades, in recent years, there has been a surge of interest i

CO-4A systematic review was conducted to assess the evidence from clinical research on TFL’s application

PHCTP –115Physics Lab -I

CO-1. Understanding of basic and advanced concepts in Physics.

CO-2. Theoretical and practical skills along with problem solving ability.

CO-3. Learn various experimental and computational tools thereby developing analytical abilities to address real world problems.

 Department of Chemistry

Program Outcome B.Sc. (Chemistry)



PO-1. Demonstrate, solve and an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of chemistry.

PO-2. To understand basic facts and concepts in Chemistry while retaining the exciting aspects of Chemistry so as to develop interest in the study of chemistry as a discipline.

PO-3. Employ critical thinking and the scientific knowledge to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical reactions.

PO-4. To develop the ability to apply the principles of Chemistry

PO-5. Find out the green route for chemical reaction for sustainable development.

PO-6. To inculcate the scientific temperament in the students and outside the scientific community.

PO-7. Use modern techniques, decent equipments and Chemistry software‟s

Programme Outcomes B.Sc. (Chemistry)



PSO-1. To appreciate the achievements in Chemistry and to know the role of Chemistry in nature and in society

PSO-2. To explain nomenclature, stereochemistry, structures, reactivity, and mechanism of the chemical reactions.

PSO-3. To develop problem solving skills.

PSO-4. Use modern chemical tools, Models, Chem-draw, Charts and Equipments.

PSO-5. Know structure-activity relationship.

PSO-6. To be familiarised with the emerging areas of Chemistry and their applications in various spheres of Chemical sciences and to apprise the students of its relevance in future studies.

PSO-7. Develop research oriented skills.

PSO-8. To develop skills in the proper handling of apparatus and chemicals. To be exposed to the different processes used in industries and their applications.

Course Outcomes

T.Y.B.Sc. CBCS Semester-V



After completion of these courses students should be able to;

DSEC-I: CH-501: Physical Chemistry- I

CO-1. Understand and explain the differences between classical and quantum mechanics.

CO-2. Understanding of De Broglie hypothesis and the uncertainty principle

CO-3 Understanding the operators: Position, momentum and energy.

CO-4.Understand the term additive and constitutive properties and molar refraction, dipole moment, M.I. and spectra of molecule. Derive the expression for rotational spectra for the transition from J to J+1

CO-5 Explain the difference between Rayleigh, Stokes and anti-Stokes lines in a Raman spectrum.

CO-6  Quantum yield and reasons for high and low quantum yield,

CO-7   Various photochemical phenomena like fluorescence and phosphorescence, Chemiluminescence,

DSEC-I: CH-502: Analytical Chemistry- I

CO-1. Define basic terms in gravimetry, spectrophotometry, qualitative analysis and parameters in instrumental analysis. Such as: Gravimetry, precipitation, solubility product, ionic product, common ion effect, precipitating agent, washing of ppt., drying and ignition of ppt., linearity range, detection limit, precision, accuracy, Sensitivity, Selectivity, Robustness and Ruggedness, electromagnetic radiations, spectrophotometry, Beers law, absorbance, transmittance, molar absorptivity, monochromator, wavelength of maximum absorbance,

CO-2. Explain different principles involved in the gravimetry, spectrophotometry, parameters in instrumental analysis, qualitative analysis.

CO-3. Discuss / Describe procedure for different types analyses included in the syllabus

CO-4. Design analytical procedure for given sample

CO-5 Apply whatever theoretical principles he has studied in theory during practical session in laboratory

DSEC-I: CH-503: Physical Chemistry Practical – I

CO- 1 To determine the specific refractivity’s of the given liquids

CO-2  To titrate Cu2+ ions with EDTA photometrically

CO- 3 Simultaneous determination of Cu2+and Ni2+ions by colorimetry/spectrophotometry method

CO-4 Titration of a mixture of weak acid and strong acid with strong alkali Analysis

CO-5 To determine λ∞ of strong electrolyte (NaCl or KCl) and to verify Onsager equation.

CO-6 Analysis of the given vibration-rotation spectrum of HCl (g)

DSEC-II: CH-504: Inorganic Chemistry – I

CO-1. Explain electroneutrality principle and different types of pi bonding.

CO-2. Able to explain Charge Transfer Spectra

CO-3. Classification of reactions of coordination compounds

CO-4. Tran’s effect and applications of Trans effect

CO-5. Electronic configuration of lanthanides and actinides.

CO-6. Separation lanthanides by modern methods

CO-7 Preparation methods of transuranic elements.

CO-8The difference between metal, semiconductor and insulator

DSEC-II: CH-505: Industrial Chemistry – I

CO-1. Know Importance of chemical industry

CO-2. Knowledge of various industrial aspects.

CO-3. Concept of basic chemicals& Their uses and manufacturing

CO-4. Importance of sugar industry&Crystallization of sucrose

CO-5 Different types of soap products Meaning of the term’s Surfactants, Types of surfactants

CO-6 know about Dyes, Dye intermediates, Structural features of a dye

DSEC-II: CH-506: Inorganic Chemistry Practical – I

CO-1 Gravimetric estimation of Nickel as Ni – DMG.

CO-2 Gravimetric estimation of Fe as Fe2O3.

CO-3 Gravimetric estimation of Ba as BaSO4.

CO-4 Preparation of hexamminenickel(II) chloride.

CO-5 Preparation of Manganese (III) acetylacetonate

CO-6 Preparation of Potassium dioxalatocuprate(II)

CO-7 Inorganic Qualitative analysis

DSEC-III: CH-507: Organic Chemistry – I

CO-1 To define and classify polynuclear and hetreonuclear aromatic hydrocarbons

CO-2 Understand the reactions and mechanisms

CO-3 To explain the reactivity of polynuclear and hetreonuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.

CO-4 To predict product with panning or supply the reagent/s for these reactions.

CO-5  Know synthetic applications  of ethyl acetoacetate and malonic ester

DSEC-III: CH-508: Chemistry of Biomolecules

CO-1 Understanding of Cell types, Difference between a bacterial cell, Plant cell and animal cell. Biological composition and organization of cell membrane, structure and function of various cell organelles of plant and animal cell.

CO-2Understand the types of carbohydrates and their biochemical significance in living organisms, structure of carbohydrates and reactions of carbohydrates with Glucose

CO-3 know the types of lipids with examples, structure of lipids, properties of lipids

CO-4 Understand the structure and types of amino acids. Reactions of amino acids. Properties of amino acids. Peptide bond formation. Types of proteins

CO-5 Know the classes of enzymes with subclasses and examples. Enzyme specificity, Equations of enzyme kinetics Km and its significance

CO-6 Basic concepts of Endocrinology. Types of Endocrine glands and their hormones. Biochemical nature of hormones. Mechanism of action of lipophilic and hydrophilic hormones

DSEC-III: CH-509: Organic Chemistry Practical-I

CO-1 Perform the quantitative chemical analysis of binary mixture, explain principles behind it.

CO-2 Understand the techniques involving drying and recrystallization by various method.

CO-3 Systematic working skill in laboratory will be imparted in student

CO-4 Synthesis of various organic compounds through greener approach CO-5 Learn alternative solvent media and energy sources for chemical processes

CO-6 Understand the techniques involving drying and recrystallization by various method

CO-7 Understand the purification technique used in organic chemistry.

SEC-I: CH-510: Skills Enhancing Course-I (B) : Polymer Chemistry

CO-1 to learn theHistory of polymers, Difference between simple compounds and polymer,

CO-2 Difference between natural, synthetic, organic and inorganic polymers,

CO-3KnowTerms-Monomer, Polymer, Polymerization, Degree of polymerization, Functionality, Number average, Weight average molecular weight,  Polymerization techniques, Advantages of polymers.

SEC-II: CH-511: Skills Enhancing Course-II (A) : Environmental Chemistry

CO-1 Know Importance and conservation of environment.

CO-2 Importance of biogeochemical cycles.

CO-3Knowwater resources ,Hydrological Cycle

CO-4  Know Organic and inorganic pollutants

CO-5 Water quality parameters know,Water resources




After completion of these courses students should be able to;

DSEC-IV: CH-601 : Physical Chemistry-II

CO-1.To know and understandElectrochemical cells: Explanation of Daniell cell, Conventions to represent electrochemical cells

CO-2.Know the concept of electrode, cell reaction, types of electrode.

CO-3.Solve the cell reaction and calculate Ecell, pH.

CO-4. EMF of electrochemical cell and its measurement

CO-5.Nernst Equation for theoretical determination of EMF

CO-6. To know and understand Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous solids / anisotropic and isotropic solids

CO-7. Bravais lattices, space groups, seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices

CO-8. Determination of crystal structure of NaCl by Bragg’s method,

CO-9 To know  Radioactivity itstypes and properties of radiations: alpha, beta and gamma

CO-10. Kinetics of Radioactive Decay, Half-life, average life and units of radioactivity

DSEC-IV: CH-602 : Physical Chemistry-III

CO-1 To know Meaning of the terms-Solution, electrolytes, nonelectrolytes and colligative properties,

CO-2. Know Lowering of vapour pressure of solvent in solution,

Elevation of B.P. of solvent in solution, Landsberger’s method,  freezing point depression, Beckmann’s method Osmosis and Osmotic pressure, Berkeley and Hartley method

CO-3. Factors affecting on solid state reactions, Rate laws for reactions in solid state, Applying rate laws for solid state reactions,

Results of kinetics studies

CO-4. Cohesive Energy of ionic crystals based on coulomb’s law and Born Haber Cycle

CO-5. Conductors and insulators – Its correlation with Extent of energy in energy bands

DSEC-IV: CH-603 : Physical Chemistry Practical-II [Credit

CO-1.To determine the PKa value,To determine the formal redox potential,To determine the solubility product and solubility &To determine the composition of Zinc ferrocyanide complex potentiometrically

CO-2. To determine the degree of hydrolysis, To determine the dissociation constant, Determination of Pka&To determine the acid and base dissociation constant of an amino acid and hence the isoelectric point by PH metry

CO-3. To determine plateau voltage, To determine the resolving time & To determine Emax of beta particles.

CO-4. To determine the molecular weight of solute,  To study the association of Benzoic acid in benzene &Determine the molecular weight of given electrolyte and non-electrolyte by

Landsberger’s method

DSEC-V: CH-604 : Inorganic Chemistry -II

CO-1. To understand M-C bond and to define organometallic compounds , To define organometallic chemistry

CO-2. To understand the structure and bonding using valence electron count

CO-3. To define organometallic chemistry ,To understand the multiple bonding due to CO ligand, To know methods of synthesis of binary metal carbonyls

CO-4. Understand the phenomenon of catalysis, its basic principles and terminologies

CO-5. Understand the essential properties of homogeneous catalysts-Give the catalytic reactions for Wilkinson’s Catalysis, hydroformylation reaction, Monsanto acetic acid synthesis, Heck reaction

CO-6 Know the abundance of elements in living system and earth crust

CO-7 Know thy types of Inorganic polymers ,comparison with organic polymers

CO-8 Understand Preparation of inorganic solids by various methods

DSEC-V: CH-605: Inorganic Chemistry -III

CO-1. Learn the concept of acid base and their theories

CO-2. To know different properties of acids and bases

CO-3. Know the nature of solids & crystal structures of solids.

CO-4. Know the effect of radius ratio in determining the crystal structure &Know the defects in Ionic solids

CO-5. Different Zeolite Framework Types and their classification

Zeolite synthesis and their structure& their applications.

CO-6. Various methods of nanoparticle synthesis Stabilization of Nanoparticles in solution &Properties and Application of Nanoparticles.

DSEC-V: CH-606: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II

CO- 1 Analysis of Phosphate,  Analysis of Iodine from Iodized salt & Strength of medicinal H2O2

CO-2  Analysis of Calcium from milk powder &Analysis of Cu from Cu-Fungicide

CO- 3 Estimation of Na by flame photometry , Estimation of Na by flame photometry colorimetry/spectrophotometry method

CO-4 Purification of water using cation/anion exchange resin and analysis by qualitative analysis /conductometry.

CO-5 Nanomaterial synthesis

CO-6 Determination of the Metal to ligand ratio (M : L) in complexes.

DSEC-VI: CH-607: Organic Chemistry-II.

CO-1. Organic Spectroscopic Methods in Structure Determination.

CO-2. Learn the interaction of radiations with matter& understand different regions of electromagnetic radiations.

CO-3. Understand the principle of UV spectroscopy and the nature of UV spectrum

CO-4. to calculate maximum wavelength for any conjugated system. And from the value of λ-max they will be able to find out the extent of conjugation in the compound.

CO-5. Understand the principle of IR spectroscopy, types of vibrations and the nature of IR spectrum.

CO-6. Understand the principle of NMR spectroscopy and will understand various terms used in NMR spectroscopy

DSEC-VI: CH-608: Organic Chemistry-III

CO-1.  To study carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzynesetc

.CO-2. To study different rearrangement reactions

CO-3. To knowPreparation and Applications of reagents

CO-4. To understand Terpenoids&Alkaloids

DSEC-VI: CH-609: Organic Chemistry Practical-II

CO-1. Interpretation of IR and NMR spectra.

CO-2.  To know Practical knowledge of handling chemicals.

CO-3. Understand the equipment for extraction

CO-4. Develop basic design of extractor.

SEC-III: CH-610: Skill Enhancing Course-III

(A) : Chemistry of Soil and Agrochemicals

CO-1. Know the different components and properties of soil

CO-2. Know classification of soil on the basis of pH

CO-3. Know the different plant nutrients required for plants and their functions

CO-4Understood the Reclamation and management of soil physical and chemical constraints.

SEC-IV: CH-611: Skill Enhancing Course-IV

(A): Analytical Chemistry-II

CO-1. Define basic terms in solvent extraction, basics of chromatography, HPLC, GC, and AAS and AES.

CO-2 Identify important parameters in analytical processes or estimations

CO-3 Explain different principles involved in the analyses using solvent extraction

CO-4 Design analytical procedure for given sample

CO-5 Apply whatever theoretical principles he has studied in theory during practical in laboratory

S.Y.B.Sc. CBCS Semester-III 



After completion of these courses students should be able to;

CH-301 Physical and Analytical Chemistry

CO-1. Concept of kinetics , terms used , rate laws , types of order

CO-2. Concept of adsorption and absorption, Types of adsorption, Application adsorption.

CO-4. Chemical analysis and its applications

CO-5. Meaning of error and terms related to expression & estimation of errors

CO-6 Method of detection of Basic and acidic radicals

CO-7 Classification of compounds with different functional groups


Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

CO-1 Know the Molecular Orbital Theory

CO-2 Know the terms related to the coordination chemistry

CO-3Identify and draw the structures aromatic hydrocarbons.

CO-4Identify and draw the structures alkyl / aryl halides.

CO-5 Able to differentiate between alcohols and phenols


Practical course in Chemistry

CO-1 Verify theoretical principles experimentally

CO-2 Interpret the experimental data

CO-3 Know balanced equation for the chemical reactions

CO-4 Know the Set up the apparatus / prepare the solutions




After completion of these courses students should be able to;

CH-401 Physical and Analytical


CO-1. Ideal and non ideal solutions and laws governing these solutions

CO-2. Concept of phase , component, degree of freedom. Examples of one and two component system..

CO-4. Types and role of indicators.

CH-402 Inorganic and Organic


CO-1 Know the principles of VBT.

CO-2. Know the crystal field theory to different type of complexes.

CO-3. Identify and draw the structures aldehydes and ketones CO-4. Identify and draw the structures carboxylic acids

CO-5. discuss synthesis of carboxylic acids.

CO-6 Identify and draw the structures amines

CO -7 Draw the structures of different conformations of cyclohexane

CH-403 Practical Course in Chemistry

CO-1. Correlate the theory to the experiments

CO-2. Perform the complete chemical analysis of the given organic compound

CO-3. Understand systematic methods of identification of substance

CO-4. Perform the quantitative chemical analysis.

CO-5. Perform organic and inorganic synthesis

F.Y.B.Sc. CBCS Semester-I



After completion of these courses students should be able to;

Chem.Paper I-Physical Chemistry

CO-1.Laws of thermodynamics, important definition. Kirchhoffs equation. Entropy concept, Problems.

CO-2. Concept of free energy, equilibrium constant, vantHoffs equation, problems.

CO -3. Concept of electrolyte and its types, degree of ionization, pH concept, solubility product, problems.

Chem. Paper II-Organic Chemistry

CO-1 knows the structure, bonding, properties and reactivities of organic molecules such as covalent character, hybridization, bond angles, bond energies, bond polarities and shapes of molecules.

CO-2Structural effects and their applications in determining strength of acids and bases.

CO-3The common and IUPAC names of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and homocyclic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

CO-4Skeleton of long form of periodic table

CO-5 Structure, nomenclature, preparation and reactions of organic compounds.

CO-6 Concept of isomerism, types of isomers and representation of organic molecules.

CO-7 Concept of oxyanions, different than mineral acids, oxyacids of phosphorous & sulphur

Chem.Paper III Practical Course

CO-1.. Verify theoretical principles experimentally

CO-2. Improvement of practical skills of the students.

CO-3. Acquire skill of crystallisation

CO-4. record correct m. p. / b. p.




After completion of these courses students should be able to;

Chem. Paper I-Inorganic Chemistry

CO-1. Know the Various theories and principles applied to revel atomic structure.

CO-2. Find the Origin of quantum mechanics and its need to understand structure of hydrogen atom.

CO -3. Know the electronic configuration of an atom and anomalous electronic configurations.

CO-4. Know the various types of chemical bonds

Chem. Paper II-Analytical Chemistry

CO-1 Know the branch of Analytical Chemistry

CO-2 Know the Calculations of mole, molar concentrations and various units of concentrations.

CO-3 Know Separation of binary mixtures and analysis.

CO-4 Identify the Basics of chromatography and types of chromatography

CO-5 Know the pH meter and electrodes for pH measurement

Chem.Paper III Practical Course

CO-1.. Verify theoretical principles experimentally

CO-2. Improvement of practical skills of the students.

CO-3. Acquire skill of crystallisation

CO-4. record correct m. p. / b. p.

CO-5 Aquire skill of various chemical methods

Department of Botany

Programme Outcomes: B.Sc. Botany

Programme Outcomes

PO-1. Students know about different types of lower & higher plants & also their economic and ecological importance.

PO-2.Cell biology gives knowledge about cell or ganelles & their functions

PO-3.Molecular biology gives knowledge about chemical properties of nucleic acid and their synthesis & role in living systems.

PO-4. Genetics provides knowledge about laws of inheritance,various geneticinteractions, chromosomal aberrations, multiple alleles & Cytogenetics. 

PO-5.Student can describe morphological & reproductive characters of plant and also identified different plant families and classification.

PO-6.They knows economic importance of various plant products & artificial methods of plant propagation

PO-7.Use modernBotanicaltechniquesanddecentequipments. 

PO-8. To inculcates the scientific temperament in the students and outside the scientific community.

Programme SpecificOutcomes

PSO-1. Students acquire fund a mental Botanical knowledge through theory and practicals.

PSO-2.Toexplainbasis of plantlife, reproduction and their survival in nature.

PSO-3. Helped to understand role of plants in our life.

PSO-4.Tocreateawarenessaboutcultivation,conservationand sustainable utilization of biodiversity.

PSO-5. To know advance techniques in plant sciences like tissue culture,plant disease management, formulation of new herbal drugsetc.

PSO-7 Students able to start nursery, mushroom cultivation, biofertilizer production, fruit preservation and horticultural practices.

Course Outcomes B.Sc. Botany

 F.Y. B.Sc.- Semester I

Course Outcomes

CO-1: Understand plant morphology.

CO-2: Understand basics general characters of cryptograms.

CO-3: Abletodifferentiatebetweendifferentthallophytes.

CO-4: Understandthelife cyclepattern ofdifferentthallophytes.

CO-5: Distinguish the major groups of vascular plants.


CO-1: Understand the diversity among the vascular plants.

CO-2: Able to describe the general features, classification, and life cycle patterns in vascularplants.

CO-3: Able to summarize the economic and ecological importance of vascular plants

F.Y. B.Sc.- Semester II
Course Outcomes




CO-1: Ableto differentiateplants onthe basisof anatomicalfeatures

CO-2: Able to Learn plant sectioning technique and handling of microscope

CO-3: Distinguishbetweendifferentplantgroups

CO-4: Make a thorough background for a course on Plant Systematics



CO-1: Define plant physiology

CO-2: Explain physiological process

CO-3: Describecellorganelles

CO-4: Drawstructureofcellorganelles

S.Y. B.Sc. Semester I
Course Outcomes
BO 231: Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology

CO-1: Define and explain various botanical terms used in description of flowering plants.

CO-2: Describe plants belonging to different families in botanical terms and summaries salient features.

CO-3: Compare between different classification systems and discus their merits and demerits.

CO-4: Identify and classify plants on the basis of morphological characters.

CO-5: Explain structure of ecosystem and outline role of different component in ecosystem regulation.

CO-6: Organize living component on the basis of tropic levels in food chain and food web.

BO232:Plant Physiology

CO-1: Define and explain various terms in plant physiology.

CO-2: Describe various physiological functions occurring in plants.

CO-3: Examine the role of metabolic process in growth and development of plants.

CO-4:  Differentiate between metabolic processes in plants and illustrate their interdependence.

CO-5: Compare plants on basis of photo period required for flowering.

CO-6: Summarize role of water and nutrient in development of plants.

Semester – II
Course Outcomes


BO 241:PlantAnatomyand


CO-1: Define and explain various terms used in description of flowering plants.

CO-2: Identify and describe structure and function of various tissue systems in plants.

CO-3: Differentiate between normal and abnormal secondary growth.

CO-4: Explain structure of male and female gametophytes, embryo and endosperm and illustrate their development.

CO-5: Examine principles involved in mechanical tissue distribution.

BO 242: Plant Biotechnology

CO-1: Define and explain various terms in plant biotechnology.

CO-2: Describe various steps involved in plant tissue culture, single cell protein production and genetic engineering

CO-3: Examine the role of metabolic process in growth and development of plants.

CO-4: Compare between different bioremediation methods and differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

CO-5: Summarize application of plant tissue culture, phytoremediation, biofuel technology, single cell protein and genetic engineering.

T.Y. B.Sc.- Semester I
Course Outcomes

BO 351

Algae and Fungi

CO-1.Studyof LowercryptogamstounderstandtheirDiversity.

CO-2.Know thesystematics,morphologyandstructureof algae and fungi..

CO-3.Knowlifecyclepatternof Lower cryptogams.

CO-4.Know the economicimportanceofLower cryptogams.

CO-5.Knowevolutionofalgaeand fungi.

BO 352 Archegoniate

CO-1.StudyofHigher cryptogamstounderstandtheirDiversity.

CO-2.Know thesystematics,morphologyandstructureof bryophytes, andPteridophytes.

CO-3.Knowlifecyclepatternof Higher cryptogams.

CO-4.Know the economicimportanceofHigher cryptogams.


BO 353

Spermatophyta and Paleobotany


CO-2.Understandthemorphologicalandreproductivecharacterofspermatophytic plants & their economicimportance.



CO-5.Knowtypesoffossils, geologicaltimescale.

BO 354 Plant Ecology


CO-2.Understand diversity among various groups of plant kingdom.


CO-4.Scope ,importance ofbiodiversity.

BO 355  Cell and Molecular Biology

CO-1. Understandultrastructureofcellandcellorganelles 




CO-5.Understandthebiochemicalnatureofnucleicacidandtheir synthesis &rolein livingsystems.

BO 356 Genetics



CO-3. Knowtheevolutionarysequence ofvariousgroupsofplants.

CO-4. Knowaboutsexlinkedinheritance,chromosomalaberrations.

BO 3510 Medicinal Botany

CO-1.UnderstandscopeandimportanceofMedico botany.

CO-2.Knowthecultivation,collection,processing&importanceofvariousherbal drugs.

CO-3.Understandthescopeofeconomicbotany and to study of Important Economic crops.

CO-4.UnderstandtheconceptofAyurvedicpharmacy and Pharmaceutical Products.

BO 3511 Plant Diversity and Human Health

CO-1.Understandeconomicimportanceofplant diversityandplantproduct for human health. 

CO-2. Understandthemethodsofcultivationofdifferentplants.


CO-4.Understandthescope &importanceofdiversity.

Course Outcomes B.Sc Botany

 T.Y. B.Sc.-Semester-II

Course Outcomes
BO 361 Plant Physiology



CO-3.Understandtheprocessofrespiration,growthanddevelopmentalprocessin plant.

BO 362 Biochemistry


CO-2.UnderstandprocessesofPlant Metabolism. 

CO-3.UnderstandtheBiochemical processofrespiration,growthanddevelopmentalprocessin plant.


BO 363 PlantPathology.



CO-3.Knowthe effectofplantdiseasesoneconomyofcrop plants. 


BO 364 Evolution and Population genetics

CO-1.UnderstandscopeandimportanceofEvolution and Population Genetics. 

CO-2.KnowEvolutionarycycleandtheories related of Evolution. 

CO-3.Knowthe effectofPopulation genetics for character transfer to next generation. 

CO-4.KnowthemethodsofstudyingPopulation Genetics.

BO 365 Advanced Plant Biotechnology



CO-3.KnowtheNitrogen Fixation Mechanism. 



BO 366 Plant Breeding and Seed Technology

CO-1.Understandthe scope&importanceofplantbreeding. 

CO-2.Knowthe techniques ofproductionofnewsuperiorcropvarieties. 


CO-4.Knowtheprocessofhybridvariety, development&theirrelease.

BO 3610 Nursery and Gardening Management


CO-2. Understandthemethodsofcultivationofdifferentfloweringplants.


CO-4.Understandthescope &importanceof Horticulture & Floriculture.

BO 3611 Biofertilizers


CO-2. Understandthemethodsproduction ofBiofertilizers. 

CO-3.Understandthescope &importanceofBiofertilizers..

Programme Outcome F.Y.B.Sc Zoology 2021-22




Program outcome

PO1- Aware students about knowledge & skill in the fundamentals  & systematic of animal kingdom. 

PO2-Gain the knowledge of anatomical structure & various metabolic functions of organisms. 

PO3-Information & skill of advanced biological techniques for experimental purpose.

PO4- Information & skill applied zoology including sericulture, apiculture, fisheries ,vermiculture, agricultural pest  &  their control.


Program Specific Outcomes F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology  2021-22



Program Specific Outcomes

PO 1-The student will be able to understand ,classify & identify the diversity of higher veretebrates

PO 2- The learner understands the compares between the prokaryotic & Eukaryotic system

PO 3-.The cellular mechanism & its function depends on endo-membrane structure

PO 4– To study of ecosystem


 Course Outcomes (CO’s) F.Y. B.S.c Zoology 2021-22

Sem I

  (Animal diversity I)



CO 1-To study of principles of classification ( Taxonomy& systematic)

CO 2-classify protista up to phylum using examples from parasitic adaptation

CO 3-To study of origin of metazoa

CO 4-Classify phylum porifera to  echinodermata  with taxonomic keys

 CO 5-Describe phylum nematoda& give examples of pathogenic nematodes

Animal ecology

CO1 –To study of ecology

CO2- Ecosystem

CO 3-Interaction of biota abiota

CO 4-To study of animal interaction  & their types

Sem II

( Animal diversity II)

CO 1-To understand the animal diversity around us

CO 2-The student will be able to understand classify & identify the diversity of animals

CO3-To understand the differences & similarities in the various aspects of classification

CO4 – study of phylum Echinodermata



Cell   Biology

CO 1-Introduction of cell biology & their importance ,its application in industry

CO 2-To study of techniques in cell biology

CO 3-The cellular mechanism & its functioning depends on endo –membrane &structures .

CO 4-The dynamism of bio membranes indicates the dynamism of life.

 Practical Course Outcomes (CO’s) F.Y. B.S.c Zoology 2021-22



(Sem I )

Zoology practical

Animal  Diversity

CO 1-Study of phylum protozoa- Euglena ,Amoeba

CO 2-Study of phylum porifera- Sycon ,spongilla

CO3- Study of phylum Cnidaria-Hydra ,Physalia

CO4- Study of phylum platryhelminthes- Planeria, liver fluke

CO5- Study of paramecium-culture,morphology, conjugation & binary fission

CO 6- Study of spicules in sponges

                   Animal Ecology

CO1- Estimation ofdissolve oxygen from given water sample

CO2- Estimation of water Alkalinity from given water sample

CO3-Study of animal community structure by quadrate method

CO4– Determination of density, frequency & abundance of species by quadrate method

CO5- Study of microscopic fauna of fresh water ecosystem

CO6- Estimation of water holding capacity of given soil sample

CO7- Estimation of dissolve & free CO2 from water sample

CO8-Study of eutrophication in lake/ river



Sem   II Zoology practical paper

  Animal diversity II

CO 1-To study of phylum  Aschelminthes

CO 2– To study of phylum  Annelida

CO 3 –To study of phylum  Arthropoda

CO 4 -To study of phylum  Mollusca

CO 5-To study of phylum  Echinodermata

CO 6– Study of mouth parts of insects

CO 7-To study of types of shells in  mollusca

CO 8– Economic importance apiculture & sericulture

CO 9-Study of vermicompost preparation & maintenance

  Cell Biology

CO1- To study of microscope-simple & compound

CO2- To study of micrometry

CO3- To study of preparation of temporary mount of human buccal epithelial cell

CO4- Preparation of blood smear to observe the blood cell

CO5-Temporary preparation of mitotic cell

CO6-Study of cell organells

 Program Outcomes  S.Y.B.Sc  Zoology 2021-22

 Program outcome

PO1- Aware students about knowledge & skill in the fundamentals & systematic of animal kingdom.

 PO2-Gain the knowledge of anatomical structure & various metabolic functions of organisms.

 PO3-Information & skill of advanced biological techniques for experimental purpose.

PO4- Information & skill applied zoology including sericulture, apiculture, fisheries ,vermiculture, agricultural pest  &  their control.

 Program Outcomes S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology 2021-22

 Program Specific Outcomes

PO 1-The student will be able to understand ,classify & identify the diversity of higher veretebrates

PO 2. The student will be able to understand  the complexity of higher veretebrates

PO 3-. The student will be able to understand  different life function of veretebrates

PO 4-The student will be able to understand the linkage among different group of higher veretebrates

PO  5-The learner understand the basic about beekeeping equipments& managing beehive

PO 6-The learner understands the basic information about  fishery, cultural & harvesting methods of fishes & fish preservation techniques.

 Course Outcomes (CO’s) S.Y. B.Sc . Zoology  2021-22


( Sem. III) (Paper I) Animal Systamatic and Diversity

CO 1-To study of phylum chordata

CO 2-To study  of Gr. –protochordata

CO 3-To study  of sub phylum –vertebrata

CO4-To study of class pisces

 CO 5– To study of class –Amphibia

CO 6-  Study of Scoliodon

 ( Applied zoology I )

CO1- Introduction to sericulture study of different types of silk   moth & their distribution

CO2- External morphology & life cycle of Bombyxmori

CO 3– cultivation of mulberry

CO 4-Harvesting of mulberry

CO 5-Silkworm rearing

CO 6-Prepration of cocoons for marketing

CO 7-Post harvest  processing of cocoons

CO 8-Biotechnological & biomedical application of silk

              Agricultural pest & their control

CO 1-Introduction to Agricultural pest ,types of pest

CO 2-Major insect pest of agricultural importance

CO 4-Pest control practices

CO 5-Plant protection appliances

Zoology (Sem. IV) (Paper I)- Animal Diversity-IV

CO 1-Introduction to class –Reptilia

CO 2-Introduction to class –Aves

CO3-Introduction to class –Mammalia

CO4 – study of rat



( Sem IV)

(Paper II)- Applied Zoology (Apiculture & Fisheries)

CO 1-Introduction

CO 2-Life  cycle  colony organization and division

CO 3-Beebehaviour &communication

CO 4-Bee keeping equipments

CO 5-Bee keeping & seasonal management

CO 6-Beeproducts (composition  & uses)

CO7-  Diseases and enemies of bees


CO1- Introduction to fisheries &its types

CO 2- Habit ,Habitat & culture method  of fresh water

CO3- Harvesting method

CO4- Craft & gears in Indian Fishery

CO5– Fishery by products

CO6– Fishpreservation technique






Sem II Zoology   practical



                       Animal  Diversity

CO 1-Museum study of Gr.protochordata

CO 2--Museum study of class Pisces

CO3 Museum study of class Amphibia

CO4- Study of types of scales in fishes

CO5- Study of types of tail fins in fishes

CO6- Study of external characters & Digestive system locally available fish

CO7 –Study of brain of locally available fish

CO8- Temporary preparation of scales & its identification from locally available fish

Co9 –compulsory field visit to study pond ecosystem with reference to pisces& Amphibians, Report writing & submission


Co1 Study of external morphology & life cycle of bombyxmori

CO2 Study of 5 equipments in Sericulture

CO3 Preparation of map showingdistribution of silkmoth& rearing / sericulture practices India

Agricultural Pest & Their control

CO1- Study of following insect pest with  respect to marks of identification ,nature of damage,economic importance& control measures

CO2- Study of following  pest with  respect to marks of identification ,nature of damage,economic importance& control measures

CO3 Study of any two non insect pests corresponding to theory course

CO4- Compulsory submission of at least 5 insect pests /photographs /sketches

CO5- Study of pest control appliances as per theory course

CO6-Compulsory field visit to sericulture farm/ Agriculture farm ,report writing & submission

zoology ( Sem. IV) (Paper II)- Animal Diversity -IV







CO1- Museum study of class Reptilia

CO2– Identification of venomous & non venomous snakes with the help of pictorial taxonomic keys

CO3-  Museum study of class Aves

CO4- Study of types of beaks &feets in birds

CO5-  Museum study of class Mammalia

CO6– Study of external characters  & Digestive systems of rat

CO7- Study of heart of rat

CO8- Study of brain of rat

CO9- Study of Reptilian /Avian diversity in and around the campus

CO10- Compulsory visit to zoo/wild life /Bird sanctuary ,report writing  & submission




CO1- Study of external morphology, life cycle & polymorphism in honey bees

CO2– Temporary mounting of mouth parts, legs, wings & sting apparatus of worker bees

CO3– Study of beekeeping equipments

CO4– Study of bee products

CO5- Estimation of carbohydrates from honey in different sample

CO6- Study of bee enemies


CO1- Identification , classification &study of habit ,habitat & economic importance: Rohu ,Catla ,Mrigal

CO2- Identification , classification &study of habit ,habitat & economic importance: prawn, crab ,lobster, pearl oyster

CO3– Study &Maintainance of aquarium

CO4- Study of crafts

CO5-Study of gears in fishing

CO6– Study of nutritional value of fish

CO7- Compulsory study tour/filed visit to apiculture institute/fish      farm/aquarium

 Department of B.Voc. (Hospitality and Tourism)

Department of Hospitality and Tourism

Programmes Outcomes B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism 2021-22

Program Outcome

PO-1- To interpret the fundamental principles of essential hospitality and tourism business functions

PO-2- To demonstrate professional behavior and competencies in customer service

PO-3 – To develop a range of leadership skills and abilities such as motivating others, leading changes, and resolving conflict

PO-4- To communicate effectively in oral and written communication

PO-5- To analyze and solve problems, using appropriate tools and technology

PO-6- To recognize the challenges and opportunities of working effectively with people in a diverse environment.


Program Specific Outcome

PSO-1: Learn to Innovate and execution in different circumstances: Empowers students to demonstrate the ability to innovate, the ability to execute the most daunting of challenges in the most trying of circumstances.

PSO-2: Enhancing Professional skills: To be a professional person of enormous specialized essentials, subtle manner, Leadership Skills and a concern towards atmosphere/environment.

PSO-3: Understanding about global trends: To be able to understand the Global trends and emerging issues in the travel, tourism & hospitality sector.

PSO- 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the functional areas of the Hospitality and Tourism

PSO- 5: Use the practical vocabularies of a variety of business disciplines in an appropriate manner.

PSO- 6: Hands on training in production and service developing basic skill sets for the industry.

PSO- 7: Handle issues from a variety of viewpoints


Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism 2021-22

Course Outcomes B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism

F.Y. Semester I

Course Outcomes

HT T01

Tourism Concept and Principals

1. To orient the students in theories and practices of Management so as to apply the acquired knowledge in actual business practices.

2. To teach managerial skills to aspiring manager or the trained managers who want to become more effective.

3. To focus on conceptual development in the area of planning, organizing, leading and controlling managerial functions.

4. To emphasize on conceptual and technical frame work of leadership and the role of managers and change agent

HT T02

Tourism policy and Planning

1. Explore the Tourism Policy of India which govern and regulate the development of Tourism in India.

2. Provide knowledge on the various committees on Tourism and Tourism Policies of the Union Government

3. To explain the market segmentation and learn about target markets. 

HT T03-

Travel Agency Management

1. Understand various skills necessary for travel agency and tour operation business

2. Understand various travel terminology

3. Acquire knowledge on documentation in travel industry

4. Knowledge about the various active organizations involved in the active development of the travel and tour operations across the globe. 

HT P04

Principles and Practices of Tourism I

1. Examination of past, present, and future trends in hospitality and tourism management.

2. Summary explanations of the leading career paths in hospitality and tourism.

3. Investigation of management strategies specific to hospitality and tourism.

4. Inquiry into the lifecycle of supply and demand issues in tourism.

5. Coverage of social and ethical implications for hospitality and tourism businesses. § Exploration of global issues for the hospitality and tourism industry at large.

HT P05

Travel Agency and Tour Operation Business

1. Knowledge and skills on the operations and management of tour and travel segments of tourism industry including trends and contemporary issues in the travel industry.

2. Knowledge about the various factors influencing the tour operator industry including setting up of travel agencies and legal aspects in travel and tour operations

3. Knowledge and skills of tour operator’s products which includes travel, transfer and accommodation planning.

4. Equip then with skills of how to manage tour and travel related procedures and activities enabling them to become effective managers.

HT P06

Tour Guiding and Escorting, Destination visit and Report

1. Understand the type of tour the customer is interested such as religious, cultural,heritage, leisure etc from the itinerary

2. Make sure to understand the needs of the customers

3. Describing place to the customers

4. Provide a form with Various queries to rate the services offered

5. Rectify any negative suggestions provided in the feedback form

6. Identify the Major elements of a Tourism Destination

Course Outcomes B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism

F.Y. Semester II

Course Outcomes

HT T06

Tourism Resources of India

1. To familiarize the students with the basic understanding of tourism resources.

2. To understand the various typologies of tourism resources

3. To understand the management of tourism resources

HT T07

Tourism Geography

1. To equip the students with the Knowledge of Tourism geography

2. To lay emphasis on the importance of geography in travel and tourism

3. Evaluate the natural geographic resources and classes of tourism.

4. Explains the why uses on tourism landscape and natural life resources and the importance of saving this resources.

`HT T08

Communication and Personality skills for Tourism

1. To cover all aspects of communication and their application in different contexts.

2. To give the different aspect of process of communication.

3. To discuss different types of business correspondence.

4. To provide an understanding of various business Communication Tools.

5.  To train students to enhance their skills in written as well as oral communication

HT P10

Principles and Practices of Tourism II

1. Demonstrate knowledge of tourism demand and supply

2. Evaluate both positive and negative Social/Cultural, Economic and Environmental impacts of tourism;

3. Critique the major global forces that are shaping future tourism

4. Compare the importance of tourism in developed and developing countries.

HT P11

Tourism Marketing

1. Examine and discuss the key concepts and principles of marketing as applied to destinations and the tourism experience

2. Engage in tourism and marketing research and inquiry to inform strategic decision making and problem solving

3. Demonstrate an evaluative understanding of current issues associated with destination marketing

4. Explain the role of marketing in a diverse range of organizations in the Hospitality and Tourism

HT P12

Tourism Transport Operation, Travel and Tour Internship

1. To familiarize the students with different modes of transportation system

2.  To understand the concept of logistics and supply chain management in Tourism Industry

3. To understand about the various transport operations

4. To learn how to organize and manage tours

5. To familiarize some of the important tourist destinations in India or abroad

6. To experience industry, market and to understand the linkages between tourism and other service sectors.


Course Outcomes (CO’s) B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism 2021-22

Course Outcomes B.Voc Hospitality and Tourism

F.Y. Semester III

Course Outcomes

HT T13

Tour Operation Management

5. To orient the students in theories and practices of Management so as to apply the acquired knowledge in actual business practices.

6. To teach managerial skills to aspiring manager or the trained managers who want to become more effective.

7. To focus on conceptual development in the area of planning, organizing, leading and controlling managerial functions.

8. To emphasize on conceptual and technical frame work of leadership and the role of managers and change agent

HT T14

Human Resource Management

4. Explore the Tourism Policy of India which govern and regulate the development of Tourism in India.

5. Provide knowledge on the various committees on Tourism and Tourism Policies of the Union Government

6. To explain the market segmentation and learn about target markets

HT T15-

Effective Communication

5. Understand various skills necessary for travel agency and tour operation business

6. Understand various travel terminology

7. Acquire knowledge on documentation in travel industry

8. Knowledge about the various active organizations involved in the active development of the travel and tour operations across the globe.

HT P16-


6. Examination of past, present, and future trends in hospitality and tourism management.

7. Summary explanations of the leading career paths in hospitality and tourism.

8. Investigation of management strategies specific to hospitality and tourism.

9. Inquiry into the lifecycle of supply and demand issues in tourism.

10.  Coverage of social and ethical implications for hospitality and tourism businesses. § Exploration of global issues for the hospitality and tourism industry at large.

HT P17-

Hospitality Management 

5.  Knowledge and skills on the operations and management of tour and travel segments of tourism industry including trends and contemporary issues in the travel industry.

6. Knowledge about the various factors influencing the tour operator industry including setting up of travel agencies and legal aspects in travel and tour operations

7.  Knowledge and skills of tour operator’s products which includes travel, transfer and accommodation planning.

8.  Equip then with skills of how to manage tour and travel related procedures and activities enabling them to become effective managers.

HT P18

Food Production: Food Production Practical

7.  Understand the type of tour the customer is interested such as religious, cultural,heritage, leisure etc from the itinerary

8.  Make sure to understand the needs of the customers

9.  Describing place to the customers

10. Provide a form with Various queries to rate the services offered

11. Rectify any negative suggestions provided in the feedback form

12. Identify the Major elements of a Tourism Destination


Course Outcomes B.VocHospitality and Tourism

F.Y. Semester IV

Course Outcomes

HT P 19

Foreign Language : French

1. To familiarize the students with the basic understanding of tourism resources.

2. To understand the various typologies of tourism resources

3. To understand the management of tourism resources

HT T20-

Customer Relationship Management

1.To equip the students with the Knowledge of Tourism geography

2. To lay emphasis on the importance of geography in travel and tourism

3. Evaluate the natural geographic resources and classes of tourism.

4. Explains the why uses on tourism landscape and natural life resources and the importance of saving this resources.

`HT T21-

Sales and advertising in Tourism

1. To cover all aspects of communication and their application in different contexts.

2. To give the different aspect of process of communication.

3. To discuss different types of business correspondence.

4.  To provide an understanding of various business Communication Tools.

5.  To train students to enhance their skills in written as well as oral communication

HT P23-

Event Management

1.  Demonstrate knowledge of tourism demand and supply

2. Evaluate both positive and negative Social/Cultural, Economic and Environmental impacts of tourism;

3. Critique the major global forces that are shaping future tourism

4. Compare the importance of tourism in developed and developing countries.

HT P24

Food Production

1. Examine and discuss the key concepts and principles of marketing as applied to destinations and the tourism experience

2. Engage in tourism and marketing research and inquiry to inform strategic decision making and problem solving

3. Demonstrate an evaluative understanding of current issues associated with destination marketing

4. Explain the role of marketing in a diverse range of organizations in the Hospitality and Tourism

HT P24-

Food Science and Nutrition, Hospitality Internship

1. To familiarize the students with different modes of transportation system

2.  To understand the concept of logistics and supply chain management in Tourism Industry

3.  To understand about the various transport operations

4.  To learn how to organize and manage tours

5.  To familiarize some of the important tourist destinations in India or abroad

6.  To experience industry, market and to understand the linkages between tourism and other service sectors.

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