Department / Arts / History

 About the Department

The Department of History was started in June 1990 and obtained permanent affiliation to U.G. from 1997-98 and P.G. from 2015-16 respectively. Dr. Sambhaji Darade is Head of Department. The Department arranges national, state, college level conferences and publishes books and research papers.

UG Courses:

B.A. History: 2021-22:

Sr. No. Pattern Class Code of Course Title  of Course (Paper)
1. 2019 F.Y.B.A. 11171 Sem-I: Early India: From Prehistory to the Age of the Mauryas
12171 Sem-II: Early India: Post Mauryan Age to the Rashtrakutas
2. 2019 S.Y.B.A. 23172 Sem-III Glimpses of the Modern World  Part -I
24172 Sem-IV Glimpses of the Modern World  Part -II
3. 2019 S.Y.B.A. 23171  Sem-III Medieval India :Sultanate Period(1206-1526)
24171 Sem-IV Medieval India :Mughal Period(1526-1707)
4. 2019 S.Y.B.A. 23174 Sem-III History of Marathas (1630-1707)
24174 Sem-IV History of Marathas (1707-1818)
5. 2019 S.Y.B.A. 23176 Sem-III Art and Architecture in Early India
24176 Sem-IV Medieval Indian Art and  Architecture
6. 2019 T.Y.B.A. 35174 Sem-V Indian National Movement (1885-1947)
36174 Sem-VI India After Independence (1947-1991)
7. 2019 T.Y.B.A. 35171 Sem-V Introduction to Historiography
36171 Sem-VI Applied History
8. 2019 T.Y.B.A. 35172 Sem-V Maharashtra in the 19th Century
36172 Sem-VI Maharashtra in the 20th Century
9. 2019 T.Y.B.A. 35176 Sem-V South Indian Art And Architecture
36178 Sem-VI Numismatics


PG Courses:

Sr. No. Pattern Class Code of Course Title  of Course (Paper)
1. 2019 M.A. I 12201 History: Theory and Methods
2. 2019 M.A. I 12202 Evolution of ideas and institution in Early India
3. 2019 M.A. I 12203 Maratha Polity
4. 2019 M.A. I 12206 Social background of Dalit movement in Maharashtra
5. 2019 M.A. I 22201 Approaches to  History
6. 2019 M.A. I 22202 Ideas and Institution in Medieval India
7. 2019 M.A. I 22203 Socio –Economic History of Maratha
8. 2019 M.A. I 22205 Nature of Dalit movement in Maharashtra
9. 2019 M.A. II 32201 Cultural History of Maharashtra
10. 2019 M.A. II 32202 Intellectual History of Modern World
11. 2019 M.A. II 32203 Economic History of Modern India
12. 2019 M.A. II 32205 East Asia: Japan (1853-2000)
13. 2019 M.A. II 42201 Modern Maharashtra: History of Ideas
14. 2019 M.A. II 42202 Debates in Indian Historiography
15. 2019 M.A. II 42203 World After World War II(1945-2000)
16. 2019 M.A. II 42207  Modern India


 Activities of Department

  1. Study tour to various historical places.
  2. Guidance for competitive examination
  3. Arranged the guest lecture series.
  4. Poster exhibition.

Career Opportunity

  1. Competitive Exam
  2. Teaching
  3. Archaeology
  4. Travels And Tour

Name / Designation Biodata
Dr. Sambhaji Sopanrao Darade
Head & Assistant Professor
M.A., B.Ed., D.C.E., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Contact No : 09970233469
Prof. Jagdish Chhaburao Sonawane

M.A., B.Sc., NET, Ph.D.
Contact No : 09423210260

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