Examination Pattern

Pattern of Examination

The pattern of examination is notified by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. From the academic year 2019-2020 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed by the college. It is also known as the 2019 pattern.

Faculty of Arts

The total mark allocated for each course during each semester is 100. It includes 70% as University Examination and 30% as Internal Assessment/

Semester End Examination – 70 Marks

Internal Examination – 30 Marks

(Internal Examination includes Internal tests, Assignment, Viva – voce,  Group Discussion, and Seminars)

Faculty of Commerce

The total marks allocated for each course during each semester is 100. It includes 70% as University Examination and 30% as Internal Assessment/

Semester End Examination – 70 Marks

Internal Examination – 30 Marks

(Internal Examination includes Internal tests, Assignment, Viva – voce, Group Discussion, and Seminars)

Faculty of Science

Total marks allocated for each course during each semester is 50. It includes 70% as University Examination and 30% as Internal Assessment/

Semester End Examination – 35 Marks

Internal Examination – 15 Marks

(Internal Examination includes Internal Test, Assignment, Viva – voce, Group Discussion, Seminars and Field Visit)

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