Distinctiveness of the Institution

Performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust: 

The institution is unique and has distinctiveness of its own in certain aspects. It is the only college in the entire Ahmednagar district to have an eco-friendly campus of 73, 000 sq. mts. which is dotted with lush green trees and shrubs all around. It has a scenic, picturesque and inviting atmosphere that provides a conducive learning environment.  The college in its mission reads that ‘We shall continually improve the quality of teaching, self-evaluation and accountability of our institute towards society. We shall strive for overall development of students through value based education, so that our student will be appreciated as model citizen who will make nation to lead the world’. In order to materialize this mission statement of the institute, the college has introduced several new educational programmes including vocational courses (Bachelor of Vocation – B.Voc.) and Research Centers.

 It is the only college in the Newasa Tehsil that has received grants from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India for three departments viz. Botany, Chemistry and Geography under its ‘Star College Scheme’. It is the very first college in the entire Ahmednagar district to introduce a Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) Degree Programme with financial assistance from University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The college has been included in the ranking recognition of Higher Education Review, Bengaluru as Top 10 Arts and Commerce Colleges – 2019. It is the very first college in the Ahmednagar District to lay emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship.  In recognition of its efforts, the institution has received Four Star rankings from the Innovation Cell of the Ministry of Education (MIC) Govt. of India. Similarly, the institution has established an incubation center ‘Yash Business Incubation Centre’ (YBIC).  The institution is proud to state that under YBIC three companies, “Lakshicon Bio-organics LLP” (2020), “Rescuer Solutions Pvt. Ltd.”  (2021) and Section – 8 Company “Mula Eduskill Foundation” (2021) has been established. It is the first college to have patents on its name. The institute has left an outstanding mark in sports. Mr. Kurhe Rushikesh Sunil of the institution has achieved second place in the Javelin Throw event with a performance of 58. 70 mts. in the 23rd Maharashtra State Sports Meet organized by Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur from 26th to 30th December 2019. Mr. Ghawate Sachin Sanjay has secured the third position in the all-India Interuniversity Archery Indian (Mix) Tournament held at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed University, Bhubneshwar.

The institution has constituted BoS for certificate and B.Voc. courses. The institution has provided a digital classroom to students along with the e-Content Development Center. It is the only institution in Newasa taluka to have a Study Club – Competitive Exam Guidance Centre to provide competitive exam guidance services to students. The distinctiveness of the college lies in being instrumental in improving the gross enrollment ratio of higher education and educating a large number of women in Newasa taluka. It has been the quality policy and the thrust area of the institution to impart quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students irrespective of caste, creed, gender and religion and as per the needs and expectations of the industries and service sectors. In order to achieve the goal of quality improvement in evaluation, the institution, for the first time in the entire university, introduced the practice of MCQ online Examinations in the months of April, May and June 2020, earlier to the decision of the Government and the university to conduct the examinations online in the MCQ pattern. Earlier the students were habituated to answering the questions in descriptive mode. But now they have adapted to take examinations in online mode. It was a period of restlessness as well as uncertainty. Later when it was decided by the Government and the university to conduct the exam online in MCQ mode, the students were much more familiar with the pattern and benefitted from it. It is evidenced by the improved result of the students in the university examinations.

It is the institution in the Ahmednagar district to have a well-equipped e-content development center for effective online teaching and learning. The center has a facility for recording and editing video lectures.  It has 75 inches smart digital interactive panel board, PTZ camera, and one i5 computer with internet facility, Audio-video recording system, editing software, etc. The recorded video lectures are uploaded to the institution’s YouTube channel so as to have access to all stakeholders.

One of the prime objectives of the institution is the spread of education, especially in a rural area along with creating opportunities for the marginal and below-marginal students for establishing means of occupation. Since the establishment of Institution’s Innovative Council in 2018, the college has introduced faculty and students to key concepts like innovation, entrepreneurship, patent, logo, trademark, etc. through participation in MHRD’s IIC activities and by arranging seminars and webinars. The faculties of the college have successfully completed online Innovation Ambassador Training and have started guiding students for developing their proof of concepts. This helped the institute shape the mindsets of faculty and students.

In order to sensitize the hidden innovative ideas, generate employment for the students and by designing NISP policy for students and faculties, the college has actively participated in the IIC activities of the Ministry of Education. These activities have extensive media coverage. WhatsApp groups especially have been designed for students who have a bent of mind toward innovation, entrepreneurship and startup. Facebook, Instagram and Telegram are other such social media coverage available for students and faculty to interact with each other and satiate the quest for knowledge in these new initiatives of learning. With these new platforms, the college can also interact with other stakeholders like parents, alumni and employers.  It has adopted online, offline and hybrid modes to cope with unexpected situations. Today college is proliferating to cope with New Education Policy.

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