Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware (Head of the Institution) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Subhashrao Devdhe Patil (Management Representative) |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Vinayak K. Deshmukh (Administrative Officer) |
Member |
4. |
Prof. Dr. Dnyandev Eknath Zine (Teachers’ Representative – Professor ) |
Member |
5. |
(Teachers’ Representative – Professor ) | Member |
6. |
(Teachers’ Representative – Professor ) | Member |
7. |
Dr. Mohiuddin J. Shaikh (Teachers’ Representative – Assistant Professor ) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Harishchandra Kadubal Sadekar (Teachers’ Representative – Assistant Professor ) |
Member |
9. |
Shri. Balasaheb Laxman Shinde (Teachers’ Representative – Assistant Professor ) |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Rajesh Vasantrao Wagh (Teachers’ Representative – Assistant Professor ) |
Member |
11. |
Prof. Balasaheb G. Khedkar (Teachers’ Representative – Assistant Professor ) |
Member |
12. |
Dr. Bhausaheb E. Gawali (Management Representative) |
Member |
13. |
Dr. Babasaheb K. Shirsath (Nominee from Local Society) |
Member |
14. |
Dr. Ashok Ghatol (Nominee from Industrialist) |
Member |
15. |
Prin. Dr. Mukund S. Pondhe (Nominee from Alumni) |
Member |
16. |
Miss. Vidya L. Darandale (Nominee from Alumni) |
Member |
17. |
Shri. Uday Patilba Darandale (M.Sc.-Physics) Student Representative |
Member |
18. |
Prof. Dr. Sandip Prabhakar Khedkar | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
2. Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
3. Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
4. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education;
5. Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
6. Documentation of the various programmes /activities leading to quality improvement;
7. Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
8. Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
9. Development of Quality Culture in the institution;
10. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.
College Development Committee
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Mr. Udayan Shankarrao Gadakh (President’s Nominee) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Vinayak Kashinath Deshmukh (Secretary’s Nominee) |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Ashok Rangnath Tuwar (Head of Department) |
Member |
4. |
Prof. Dnyandeo Eknath Zine (Teacher Representative) |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Vitthal Eknath Darandale (Teacher Representative) |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Shweta Babulal Chaudhare (Teacher Representative) |
Member |
7. |
Shri. Rajendra Yosef Shirsath (Non-Teaching Representative) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Mukund Sahebrao Pondhe (Alumnus) |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Sharad Ramrao Gadakh (Entrepreneur) |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Kishor Sudam Rajdeo (Researcher) |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Babasaheb Kashinath Shirsath (Social Worker) |
Member |
12. |
Prof. Sandip Prabhakar Khedkar (IQAC Coordinator) | Member |
13. |
(General Secretary of Students Council) | Member |
14. |
(Working Chairman of Students Council) | Member |
15. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware (Principal) | Member Secretary |
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Prepare an overall comprehensive development plan of the college regarding academic, administrative and infrastructural growth, and enable college to foster
- Excellence in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities ;
- Decide about the overall teaching programmes or annual calendar of the college ;
- recommend to the management about introducing new academic courses and the creation of additional teaching and administrative posts ;
- Take review of the self-financing courses in the college, if any, and make recommendations for their improvement ;
- Make specific recommendations to the management to encourage and strengthen research culture, consultancy and extension activities in the college ;
- Make specific recommendations to the management to foster academic collaborations to strengthen teaching and research ;
- Make specific recommendations to the management to encourage the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning process ;
- Make specific recommendations regarding the improvement in teaching and suitable training programmes for the employees of the college ;
- Prepare the annual financial estimates (budget) and financial statements of the college or institution and recommend the same to the management for approval;
- Formulate proposals of new expenditure not provided for in the annual financial estimates (budget)
- Make recommendations regarding the students’ and employees’ welfare activities in the college or institution ;
- Discuss the reports of the Internal Quality Assurance Committee and make suitable recommendations ;
- Frame suitable admissions procedure for different programmes by following the statutory norms ;
- Plan major annual events in the college, such as annual day, sports events, cultural events, etc. ;
- Recommend the administration about appropriate steps to be taken regarding the discipline, safety and security issues of the college or institution ;
- Consider and make appropriate recommendations on inspection reports, local inquiry reports, audit report, report of National Assessment and Accreditation Council, etc. ;
- Recommend the distribution of different prizes, medals and awards to the students.
- Prepare the annual report on the work done by committee for the year ending on the 30th June and submit the same to the management of such college and the university;
- Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be entrusted by the management and the university.
Meetings Proceedings:
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Prof. Sitaram Rangnath Roundal (Dept. of Commerce) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Eknath Zine (Dept. of Economics) |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Santosh Laxman Admane (Dept. of Commerce) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Gorakshnath Babanrao Kalhapure (External Expert) |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Sopan Eknath Zine (External Expert) |
Member |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware (Principal, Dept. of Botany) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Ashok Rangnath Tuwar (Dept. of Botany) |
Member |
3. |
Shri. Balasaheb Laxman Shinde (Dept. of Chemistry) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Mohiuddin Jainulabedin Shaikh (Dept. of Zoology) |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Harishchandra Kadubal Sadekar (Dept. of Physics) |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Rajesh Vasant Wagh (Dept. of Geography) |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Balasaheb Govind Khedkar (Dept. of Mathematics) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Ramesh Sanap (External Expert ) |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Sandesh Bhitre (External Expert ) |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Sharad Ramrao Gadakh (Industry Expert ) |
Member |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Prof. Dnyandev Eknath Zine (Dept. of Economics) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Sandip Prabhakar Khedkar (Dept. of English) |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Shweta Babulal Choudhare (Dept. of Hindi) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Tukaram Bhivsen Jadhav (Dept. of Marathi) |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Avinash Vijay Salve (Dept. of Political Science) |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Sambhaji Sopan Darade (Dept. of History) |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Kisan Maruti Ambade (External Expert ) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Sudhakar Shelar (External Expert ) |
Member |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware (B.O.S. Chairman in Science) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dr. Dnyandev Eknath Zine (B.O.S. Chairman in Humanities) |
Member |
3. |
(B.O.S. Chairman in Commerce) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Shivaji Annasaheb Darandale (B.O.S. Chairman in Library Science) |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Vandana D. Arak (B.O.S. Chairman in Physical Education) |
Member |
6. |
Prof. Dr. Sandip Prabhakar Khedkar (IQAC Co-ordinator) |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Gorakshanath Babanrao Kalhapure (Principal, SDM, Newasa – External Expert) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Vinayak Kashinath Deshmukh (Principal, College of Pharmacy, Sonai – External Expert) |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Haribhau Genu More (Principal, Agriculture College, Sonai -External Expert) |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Bhausaheb Eknath Gawali (Former Principal, ACS College, Sonai -External Expert) |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Sharad Ramrao Gadakh (Director Research, MPKV, Rahuri – External Expert) |
Member |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2 |
Dr. M.J. Shaikh | Member |
3 |
Dr. A.V. Salve | Member |
4 |
Dr. S. L. Adamane | Member |
5 |
Mr. A.S. Jadhav | Member |
6 |
Dr. R.Y. Darkunde |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To prepare academic calendar to be included in the prospectus
2. To confirm fee structure of admission of all courses by following university and government norms and circulars from time to time
3. To ensure syllabus and evaluative structure of all the courses
4. To ensure members of various committees, administrative, curricular & co-curricular activities
5. To review admission procedure in the consultation with the admission committee
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2 |
Prof. D. E. Zine |
Member |
3 |
Prof. S. R. Roundal |
Member |
4 |
Dr. S.S. Darade |
Member |
5 |
Mr. R.Y. Shirsath | Member |
6 |
Mr. V. S. Nimase |
Member |
7 |
Mr. P.B. Aghav |
Member |
8 |
Dr. M. J. Shaikh | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To form subject-wise and class-wise admission committees
2. To ensure the fee structure as per rules of Govt. of Maharashtra and SP Pune University
3. To prepare a timetable for admission and to notify students about the process of admission through Advertise, Website, Handouts, etc.
4. To arrange counseling desk and helpdesks for the students and accompany parents
5. To design the application and admission forms
6. To prepare merit lists and ensure admissions as per rules
7. To resolve the problems/queries/grievances regarding admission.
ISO 9001: 2015 COMMITTEE:
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2 |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Director |
3 |
Dr. R.V. Wagh |
Member |
4 |
Smt. Varsha Dahatonde |
Member |
5 |
Shri. Yogesh Tambe |
Member |
6 |
Dr. Harishchandra K. Sadekar |
Co-ordinator of ISO 14001: 2015 |
7 |
Shri. Mahesh Jangale |
Management Representative |
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To ensure that the processes needed for the Quality Management System are established, implemented and maintained
2. To control the distribution and changes in the quality management system documents
3. To carry out review of quality management system
4. To report the top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement
5. To ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization
6. To liaison with external parties on the matters relating to the quality management system
7. To plan and conduct Internal Audit and Management Review Meetings
8. To ensure that quality objectives are tracked and necessary actions are initiated
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
4. |
Mr. R.Y. Shirsath |
Member |
5. |
Mr. Babasaheb Vairagar |
Member |
6. |
Mr. T.B. Jadhav | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To impart information to the students regarding merit scholarship and scholarships for economically and other backward students
2. To provide statistical data to IQAC at the end of each year
3. To take review of available scholarships and introduce different new scholarships to the students
4. To display the important circulars on notice board, inform and notify students about scholarships and their schedule of application
5. To help the students for filling in the scholarship forms online and appending the documents as well as the collection of records of financial help given to students
Krantijyoti Savitrimata Phule Arthasahayya Yojana Committee
क्रांतीज्योती सावित्रीमता फुले अर्थसहाय्य योजना समिती
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Shri. Rajendra Y. Shirsath | Member |
3. |
Shri. Sandip Shirsath | Member |
4. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To inform Girl students regarding Krantijyoti Savitrimata Phule Arthasahayya Yojanaandto display the important circulars on notice board
2. To provide statistical data to IQAC at the end of year
3. To take review of students applying for said Scholarship
4. To scrutinize application forms and select eligible students as per norms
5. To help the students for filling in the scholarship forms online and appending the documents and communicate the same to scholarship committee
Student Development Office – Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Earn and Learn Scheme
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Sambhaji Darade | Member |
3. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare | Member |
4. |
Ms. Ashvini Darandale | Member |
5. |
Ms. Madhuri Darandale | Member |
6. |
Mr. Rahul Nipunge | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Mr. Sharad Auti | Member |
3. |
Dr. S Ranyewale | Member |
4. |
Mr. Mahesh Take | Member |
5. |
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Padar | Member |
6. |
Ms. Ashvini Darandale | Member |
7. |
Dr. Balasaheb Khedkar | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
National Cadet Corps (NCC)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Member | |
3. |
Member | |
4. |
Dr. Suresh Jadhav | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Shri. Pravin Kardile |
Member |
3. |
Shri. Dnyaneshwar Tuwar |
Member |
4. |
Smt. Meena Lande |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To arrange Health Checkup Camps for first year students
2. To submit information to SP Pune University
3. To comply with the results of health checkup camps according to the terms of SP Pune University
4. To organize lectures of Expert Doctors on health awareness
5. To council and aware students about health related issues through expert councilors and psychiatric consultant
(DBT/ UGC / University Communication)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. D.E. Zine |
Member |
3. |
Shri. R.Y. Shirsath |
Member |
4. |
Shri. Rupesh Kusalkar |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Mohiuddin Shaikh |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To prepare different proposals against call from UGC, DBT, DST and SPPU, Pune
2. To draft and finalize proposals in consultation with concerned Head of Departments
3. To systematize the concerned faculty for interface meeting with funding agencies
4. To execute the plan for sanctioned proposals according to the guidelines of funding agencies
5. To submit final report and audited statements of expenditure to funding agencies
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. D.E. Zine |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Suresh Jadhav |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Tukaram Jadhav |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Vandana D. Arak |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To To maintain overall discipline within college campus and verify student dress code
2. To encourage and empower the students for various national and international sports
3. To arrange sports as per the schedule of SP Pune University and inform to students and faculties through circulars and announcements
4. To prepare the budget and avail sport facilities to student, as well as Conduct and attend meetings at college/university level and maintain record of the minutes of meetings
5. To arrange the programmes on 15thAugust, 26thJanuary and 1stMay
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine (Vice Principal) |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Nivrutti Misal |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Sopan Najan |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Jagdish Sonawane |
Member |
6. |
Prof. S.R. Roundal |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To conduct elections of students as per Maharashtra University act 2016.
2. To arrange meeting of students for different programmes
3. To create awareness regarding discipline, academic Calendar, etc.
4. To conduct meeting for inculcating moral and values in students
5. To arrange annual gathering and prize distribution ceremony
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine (Vice Principal) |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal | Member |
4. |
Dr. H.K. Sadekar |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
6. |
Shri. Rajdendra Shirsath |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Rajesh Wagh |
Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders
2. To support, those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the college, for which he / she is entitled.
3. To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
4. To examine the grievances and make necessary recommendations to the Principal
5. To ensure effective solution to the students’ grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
6. To do all such things as may be assigned by the principal.
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal | Member |
3. |
Prof. Sandip Khedkar |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare | Member |
5. |
Mr. Rajendra Y. Shirsath |
Member |
6. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders
2. To support, those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the college, for which he / she is entitled.
3. To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
4. To examine the grievances and make necessary recommendations to the Principal
5. To ensure effective solution to the students’ grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
6. To do all such things as may be assigned by the principal.
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Sharada Aadik |
Member |
4. |
Smt. Meena Lande |
Member |
5. |
Mrs. S.A. Deshmukh |
Member |
6. |
Adv. Laxman Ghawate |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Anita Khose |
Member |
8. |
Smt. Jyoti Darandale |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To organize ladies staff meeting as per requirement
2. To organize program on health, law, counseling, etc.
3. To meet girl students regularly to know their problem
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dr. Sandip Khedar (IQAC Coordinator) |
Member |
3. |
Shri. Rajendra Shirsath (Head Clerk) |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Ashok Pawar (Boys’ Hostel Rector) |
Member |
6. |
(Girls’ Hostel Rector) |
Member |
7. |
(Girls’ Representative from Hostel) |
Member |
8. |
(Boys’ Representative from Hostel) |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Anita Khose (Physician ) |
Member |
10. |
Shri. Rahul Nipunge (Student Development Officer) |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Rajesh Wagh |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To notify the rules and regulations of the hostels and ensure the admissions process
2. To create awareness among hostel students regarding discipline, Anti Ragging norms and misconduct.
3. To take follow up on general problems faced by hostel students
4. To collect parents feedback once in a term
5. To report the Principal and Management about statistical information and grievances if any
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal ) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Umesh Kamble |
Member |
4. |
Mr. Mahesh Jangale |
Member |
5. |
Mr. Ravindra Shinde |
Member |
6. |
Mrs. Meena Lande |
Member |
7. | Mr. Rupesh Kusalkar |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To arrange various Quality Improvement Program like expert lecture series, etc.
2. To promote faculty for doing research
3. To submit the proposal for seminars and conferences as well as MRP under University Research Cell (URC)
4. To arrange LIC visits & submit compliance, if any
5. To submit affiliation documents & six monthly progress reports to the university
6. To arrange a committee & execute the process of Ph.D. & M.Phil. admissions
7. To maintain the records of research scholars admitted in the research center
8. To promote students and teachers participation in AVISHKAR & ANVESHAN
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal ) |
Chairman |
2. |
Member |
3. |
Member |
4. |
Member |
5. |
Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal ) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Umesh Kamble |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Member |
4. |
Prof. Sandip Khedkar |
Member |
5. |
Mr. Liyakat Sayyad | Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal ) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Sambhaji Darade |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Vitthal Darandale |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Member |
6. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Suresh Jadhav |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Rajesh Wagh |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Vandana Arak |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To maintain discipline in the college campus
2. To decide the action to be taken against the misbehavior of students
3. To maintain discipline for overall events
4. To maintain a proper record and register of the meeting quarterly
5. To report to the principal and authorities of MES about events and actions need to be taken
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Zine D. E. (Head, Dept. of Economics). |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Dr. Sandip Khedar (IQAC Coordinator) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Tuwar A. R. (Head, Dept. of Botany ) |
Member |
5. |
Prof. Roundal S.R. (Head, Dept. of Commerce ) |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Umesh Kamble (Dept. of English ) |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Darade S.S. (Head, Dept. of History ) |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Darandale S. A. (Head, Dept. of Librarian ) |
Member |
9. |
Mr. Shinde B. L. (Head, Dept. of Chemistry ) |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Sadekar H. K. (Head, Dept. of Physics ) |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Shaikh M. J. (Head, Dept. of Zoology ) |
Member |
12. |
Dr. Khedkar B. G. (Head, Dept. of Mathematics) |
Member |
13. |
Dr. Salve A. V. (Head, Dept. of Political Science ) |
Member |
14. |
Dr. Wagh R. V. (Head, Dept. of Geography ) |
Member |
15. |
Dr. Choudhare S. B. (Head, Dept. of Hindi ) |
Member |
16. |
Dr. Misal N. V. (Head, Dept. of Marathi ) |
Member |
17. |
Dr. Vandana Arak (Head, Dept. of Dir. of Phy. Edu. ) |
Member |
18. |
Dr. Shivaji Darandale (Librarian) |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To make a budget and get the sanction for purchasing books
2. To recommend the purchase of new books, monographs, manuals, magazines and research journals
3. To guide for the effective working of the library
4. To guide for computerization of library
5. To guide for organizing book exhibitions, Dnyansanwad, library orientation programs
6. To apply measures for library security
7. To guide for reading room facility and e-library facility
8. To decide for write off of old material, old books, magazines and newspaper
9. To communicate data and proceedings, and minutes of the meetings to IQAC
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal ) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. M.J. Shaikh |
Member |
3. |
Prof. R.R. Dandawate |
Member |
4. |
Dr. S.L. Adamane |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Popat Aghav |
Member |
6. |
Shri. Rupesh Kusalkar |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Dnyandeo Zine (CEO) |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To prepare time table for Term End / Internal Examinations
2. To conduct Term-end and internal examinations
3. To conduct university Theory Examination of each half of the academic year as per university schedule and norms
4. To appoint Internal Squad, Internal Senior supervisors, junior supervisors and Support staff to conduct examination smoothly
5. To arrange Central Assessment for F.Y.B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.A/B.B.A.(CA)
6. To prepare and declare results of First Year UG examinations
7. To notify timetable and circulars related to the examinations to all concerned
8. To coordinate activities such as preparation and distribution of mark sheets, filling in internal marks (online) on university website and maintain the records
9. To arrange convocation ceremony as per university norms
10. To monitor security measures and maintain the confidentiality of examination & documents
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. S.R. Roundal |
Member |
3. |
Dr. S.S. Darade |
Member |
4. |
Dr. A. V. Salve | Member |
5. |
Dr. V.E. Darandale | Member |
6. |
Mr. T.B. Jadhav | Member |
7. |
Dr. Sopan Najan | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To maintain healthy practices among stakeholders of the college
2. To participate parents in the development of the college
3. To communicate the parents about the academic performance of the wards
4. To arrange parents meet and collect feedback
5. To maintain the records of meetings and minutes and communicate to IQAC and CDC
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Prof. Dnyandev Eknath Zine |
Appellate Authority |
2. |
Mr. Anil Yelwande |
Public Information Officer (PIO) |
3. |
Mr. Rajendra Y. Shirsath |
Assistant Public Information Officer |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To arrange the meetings for reviewing the applications for information
2. To avail of and to furnish the information of the college-related issue to the applicant to the fullest satisfaction
3. To organize public journalist conferences for disseminating information of the college
4. To collect the documentary evidence of the said information from different departments / sections
5. To suggest the measures to the college regarding any incomplete records, deficiencies in record, etc
6. To work nominee of the college for any case leveled against its jurisdiction
To follow any other duties, responsibilities and functions as per RTI Act 2005
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware | Chairman |
2. |
Prof. R.R. Dandawate | Member |
3. |
Mr. B.L. Shinde | Member |
4. |
Mr. V.P. Rathod | Member |
5. |
Mr. A. S. Darandale | Member |
6. |
Dr. Vitthal Eknath Darandale | Co-ordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
- To summaries flora and fauna in the college campus by collecting statistical
- To secure the environment and lower down the threats posed to human health.
- To ensure that rules and regulations are taken care of
- To avoid the interruptions in environments that are more difficult to handle and their correction requires high cost.
- To suggest the best protocols for adding to sustainable development
- To invite Green Audit agency for green audit and
- To involve student in sustainability awareness campaigns.
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Smt. Meena Lande |
Member |
3. |
Shri. D.A. Tuwar |
Member |
4. |
Shri. Pravin Kardile |
Member |
5. |
Shri. B.B. Mali |
Member |
6. |
Shri. S.R. Shirsath |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To monitor all ICT facilities in college as per ISO format
2. To fill and update data on Government portals AISHE, MIS, NIRF and PFMS, RUSSA, Darpan,
3. To arrange ICT lectures for students and staff
4. To communicate to IQAC & Students
5. To supervise ICT logbooks of all the departments and common audio visual rooms
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Member |
4. |
Shri. Mahesh Bahirat |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Somnath Shinde |
Member |
6. |
Prof. Sandip Khedkar |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To monitor and maintain the website as per norms
2. To update information after every event
3. To Upload Notices & Circulars as & when needed
4. To ensure the validity of information with concerned faculty and timely submission of reports
5. To communicate the reports to IQAC
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. R. V. Wagh |
Member |
3. |
Mr. T.B. Jadhav |
Member |
4. |
Dr. S.L. Adamane |
Member |
5. |
Mr. M.R. Bahirat |
Member |
6. |
Mrs. S.S. Bhagat |
Member |
7. |
Mrs. S.S. Shirsagar | Member |
8. |
Dr. Umesh Kamble | Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Design separate structured feedback forms on curriculum design and review of syllabus from students, teachers, employers, alumni & parents
2. Obtain feedback from: a) Students, b) Teachers c) Employers, d) Alumni & e) Parents in each semester
3. Analyze feedback collected & inform the same to respective faculty
4. Issue the letter for improvement to respective faculty
5. Submit analyzed feedback and action taken records to website committee to upload on college website
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandeo Zine |
Member |
3. |
Shri. Rajendra Shirsath |
Member |
4. |
Shri. Rupesh Kusalkar |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Mohiuddin Shaikh |
Coordinator |
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To prepare & submit the proposals for affiliation of UG & PG programmes to SPPU, Pune & other universities along with all required documents
2. To prepare & submit the proposals for Renewal of affiliation of UG & PG programmes to SPPU, Pune & other universities along with all required documents
3. To take follow up of the affiliation circulars & notification from website & concerned departments time to time
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Ashok Tuwar |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal |
Member |
4. |
Prof. Sandip Khedkar |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Sambhaji Darade |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Shivaji Darandale |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Mohiuddin Shaikh |
Member |
9. |
Shri. Balasaheb Khedkar |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Rajesh Wagh |
Member |
12. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
13. |
Dr. Nivrutti Misal |
Member |
14. |
Dr. Ravindra Khandare |
Member |
15. |
Shri. Popat Aghav |
Member |
16. |
Shri. Rahul Raut |
Member |
17. |
Shri. Ashok Halal |
Member |
18. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Member Secretary |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev Zine |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Sitaram Roundal |
Member |
4. |
Prof. Sandip Khedkar |
Member |
5. |
Dr. Ashok Tuwar |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Sambhaji Darade |
Member |
7. |
Dr. Shivaji Darandale |
Member |
8. |
Dr. Harishchandra Sadekar |
Member |
9. |
Dr. Mohiuddin Shaikh |
Member |
10. |
Dr. Balasaheb Khedkar |
Member |
11. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Member |
12. |
Dr. Rajesh Wagh |
Member |
13. |
Dr. Shweta Choudhare |
Member |
14. |
Dr. Nivrutti Misal |
Member |
15. |
Dr. Ravindra Khandare |
Member |
16. |
Shri. Pravin Kardile |
Member |
17. |
Dr. Sopan Najan |
Co-ordinator |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Avinash Salve |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Sandtosh Adamane |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Ashok Tuwar | Coordinator |
जाती आधारित भेदभाव प्रतिबंधक समिती
(w.e.f. 15/07/2019 As per the UGC letter No. F. 1-7/2011 (SCT) Date: 26/06/2019)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact No. |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
7058039095 |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev E. Zine (vice Principal) |
Member |
8080780563 |
3. |
Dr. Umesh Kamble (Head, Dept. of English) |
Member |
8975534637 |
4. |
Prof. Sandip Khedar (IQAC Coordinator) |
Member |
9284528906 |
5. |
Dr. Shweta B. Choudhare (Head, Dept. of Hindi) |
Member |
9823268987 |
6. |
Shri. Rajendra Y. Shirsath (Head Clerk) |
Member |
8975439936 |
7. |
Dr. Rajesh V. Wagh (Head, Dept. of Geography) |
Coordinator |
9860330970 |
The complainer shall post the complaint to the committee. The committee shall listen to the complaint, Record it and understand the issue. Discuss options for fixing the problem and resolve the complaint through discussions.
Click here for register your complaint
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laware (Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Prof. Dnyandev E. Zine |
Member |
3. |
Dr. Sambhaji Darade |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Shweta B. Choudhare |
Member |
5. |
Shri. Sanjay Garje (Counselor) |
Member |
6. |
Dr. Sampat Khose (Counselor) |
Member |
7. |
Shri. Vikas Jadhav (Student Representative) | Member |
8. |
Ms. Sonal Waghmode (Student Representative) |
Member |
9. |
Shri. Suresh Darandale (Parent Representative) |
Member |
10. |
Shri. Nitin Vetal Darandale (Parent Representative) |
Member |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware | Club Coordinator (Faculty) |
2. |
Dr. Vitthal Eknath Darandale | Co-cordinator (Faculty) |
3. |
Ms. Poonam Babasaheb Yelwande | President (Youth) |
4. |
Mr. Ramit Ramkant Wagh | Vice President (Youth) |
5. |
Ms. Shruti Ramnath Dhanayat | Coordinator (Campaign) |
6. |
Mr. Sandesh Ramesh Pawar | Coordinator (Documents) |
7. |
Ms. Vaishnavi Sitaram Wakade | Member (Campaign) |
8. |
Ms. Namita Ganesh Thorat | Member (Campaign) |
9. |
Ms. Anushka Nitin Khatik | Member (Campaign) |
10. |
Ms. Saniya Imran Shaikh | Member (Campaign) |
11. |
Ms. Rutuja Rambhau Thombal |
Member (Documents) |
12. |
Ms. Sakshi Janardan Salve |
Member (Campaign) |
13. |
Ms. Snehal Eknath Avhad |
Member (Documents) |
14. |
Ms. Gayatri Ginandev Shinde |
Member (Documents) |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Shankar Laxman Laware
(Principal) |
Chairman |
2. |
Dr. Sambhaji Sopan Darade
(HOD of Arts) |
Member |
3. |
Prof. Sitaram Rangnath Roundal
(HOD of Commerce) |
Member |
4. |
Dr. Harishchandra Kadubal Sadekar
(HOD of Science) |
Member |
5. |
Mr. Harel Shweta Mahesh
(Arts Student Coordinator) |
Member |
6. |
Mr. Tagad Soham Annasaheb
(Commerce Student Coordinator) |
Member |
7. |
Ms. Narode Pranita Santosh
(Science Student Coordinator) |
Member |
8. |
Prof. Dr. Sandip Prabhakar Khedkar
(Coordinator of Quality Assurance Cell) |
Member Secretary |
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Liyakat Rafiq Sayyad
Email : Mobile : 9960892386 |
Nodal Officer |
2. |
Mr. Mahesh Sitaram Jangale
Email : Mobile : 9921015315 |
Assistant Coordinator |
3. |
Dr. Sambhaji Sopan Darade
Email : Mobile : 9970233469 |
Arts Faculty Coordinator |
4. |
Dr. Sitaram Rangnath Roundal
Email : Mobile : 9822439267 |
Commerce Faculty Coordinator |
5. |
Dr. Harishchandra Kadubal Sadekar
Email : Mobile : 9527428738 |
Science Faculty Coordinator |
6. |
Mr. Chetan Changdev Kanade
Email : Mobile : 9822578767 |
Commerce Student Coordinator 1 |
7. |
Miss. Pooja Yashwant Pagire
Email : |
Commerce Student Coordinator 2 |
8. |
Mr. Harshad Kailas Dole
Email : |
Arts Student Coordinator 1 |
9. |
Miss Dhanashri Annasaheb Dahatonde
Email : |
Science Student Coordinator 1 |
10. |
Miss Shubhangi Gorakshnath Darade
Email : |
Science Student Coordinator 2 |
11. |
Miss Sonali Vitthal Kale
Email : |
Arts Student Coordinator 2 |