Department of B.B.A and B.B.A (C.A.)

About  Department

The Department offers undergraduate course of B.B.A. Intake capacity is of 60 students. The basic motto to initiate the department is to provide the professional education. Along with the curricular part, the department organizes various Industrial visits, seminars and workshop on recent changes in management. In addition to the academic activities, the faculties of the department have published research papers in renowned Journals.

Features and Objectives

  1. To provide adequate basic understanding about management education among the students
  2. To prepare students to exploit opportunities being newly created in the Management Profession
  3. To train the students in communication skills effectively
  4. To develop appropriate skills in the students so as to make them competent and provide self-employment
  5. To inculcate Entrepreneurial skills

Department of B.B.A. (Computer Application)

About Department

The department offers undergraduate course of B.B.A.(C.A.).Intake capacity is of 60 students. The first division was started in 2008. Along with the curricular activities, the department organizes various seminars and workshop on carrier guidance, recent changes in computer and management. The permanent affiliation is sought in 2016.  As per guidelines given by UGC and SPPU, Pune of B.C.A. course is now recognized as B.B.A. (Computer Application) from the academic year 2015-16

Features & Objectives

  1. To know & understand concepts of internet programming.
  2. To learn the concept of cyber law & security.
  3. Well equipped computer lab with internet facility.
  4. To guide the students regarding various carrier opportunities in the field.

B.B.A.(Business Administration)

 yogesh-bappusaheb-tambe  Mr. Yogesh Bappusaheb Tambe
Assistant Professor

Contact No :+91-9665040250
Mr. Hurule Sudarshan Vijay
Assistant Professor

MBA (Finance & Marketing )
Contact No : 09527926826
Ms. Priyanka Ramesh Sudrik
Assistant Professor

MBA (Finance & Marketing )
Contact No : 08855097256

B.B.A.(Computer Application)

Mr. Somnath Kondiram Doifode
Assistant Professor

Contact No : 07030605735
Mr. Ravindra Jadhav
Assistant Professor

Contact No : 09623596731

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To provide education without discrimination to one and all -
- Technology transfer in rural area.
- Promotion of girls education
- Upliftment of economically backward students and marginal students

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