Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - course of study/choice of subjects

F.Y. B.Sc.:

The students have to offer four subjects as group A or group B. There shall be two theory papers and one practical paper for each subject.

            Group – A                                          Group – B

  1. Mathematics                                         1. Chemistry
  2. Physics                                                  2. Botany
  3. Chemistry                                             3. Zoology
  4. Botany                                                  4. Geography / Physics

* Group once offered will not be changed.

As per university circular Physical Education course shall be compulsory to all F.Y. students from 2016-17.


Any three subjects offered at the F.Y.B.Sc. level, are to be offered at S.Y.B.Sc. along

with one language Marathi or English.

For the convenience in the time-table, student can offer any one of the following groups:-

Subject Groups:

  1. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
  2. Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
  3. Chemistry, Botany, Geography
  4. Botany, Zoology, Geography

Once subjects are offered no change shall be made later. For each subject there will be two theory courses and one practical.

* From June 2009 there is a practical paper for Mathematics.

 T.Y. B.Sc.:

T.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry

T.Y.B.Sc. Botany

T.Y.B.Sc. Physics

* For each subject there are six theory and three practical courses.

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