Master of Science (M.Sc)

The course is of 2 years’ duration and is divided into parts Viz- M.Sc. part I (Sem. I and Sem. II) & part II (Sem. III and Sem. IV). The papers taught at this college for M.Sc. courses are as under:

  1. Sc. –I (Organic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry)
Degree Class Semester Course Code Name of Subject



M.Sc. M. Sc. (Organic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry) Sem. I CHP-110 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry-I 33111
CHI-130 Molecular Symmetry and Chemistry of pblock elements 33112
CHO-150 Basic organic chemistry 33113
CHA-190 Safety in Chemical Laboratory and Good Laboratory Practices 33116
CHP-107 Practical Course (Physical Chemistry) 33117
CHI-147 :Practical Course (Inorganic Chemistry) 33118
Cyber Security-I 33192
Human Rights-I 33191
Sem. II CHP-210 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry-II 33211
CHI-230 Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry 33212
CHO-250 Synthetic organic chemistry and spectroscopy 33213
CHA-290 General Chemistry 33214
CHO-247 Practical Course (Organic Chemistry) 33215
Cyber Security-II 33292
Human Rights-I 33291


  1. Sc. –II (Organic Chemistry)
Degree Class Semester Course Code Name of Subject Paper code
M.Sc. M. Sc. II (Organic Chemistry) Sem.-III CHO-350 Organic Reaction Mechanism 33311
CHO-351 Spectroscopic Methods in Structure Determination 33312
CHO-352  Organic Stereochemistry 33313
CHO-353  Photochemistry, Pericyclic Reactions and Heterocyclic Chemistry 33314
CHO-347  Single stage preparations 33415
Cyber Security-III 33392
Skill Based Theory Course 33394
Semi.-IV CHO–450 Chemistry of Natural Products 33411
CHO-451  Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry 33412
CHO-452  Carbohydrate and Chiron approach, Chiral Drugs and Medicinal Chemistry 33413
CHO-453  Designing Organic Synthesis and Asymmetric Synthesis 33414
CHO-447 Two stage preparations 33416
CHO-448  Project/Industrial training/Green Chemistry and Chemical biology experiments 33419
Cyber Security-IV 33492
Skill Based Practical Course 33494

M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry)

Degree Class Semester



Name of subject Paper Code
M.Sc. M.Sc.-II (Analytical Chemistry) Sem.III CHA-390  Electro analytical and Radio analytical methods of analysis 34311
CHA-391 Pharmaceutical Analysis 34312
CHA-392 Advanced analytical Techniques 34313

Two Sections :

II) Geochemical and alloy analysis

III )Laboratory Automation and Sensor Based Techniques

CHA-387 Analytical chemistry Practical Course –I 34305
Skill Based Course Theory 34394
Cyber security-III 34392
M. Sc. M.Sc.-II (Analytical Chemistry) Sem. IV CHA-481   Analytical Toxicology and Food Analysis 34401
CHA-490   Analytical spectroscopy 34402
CHA-491  Analytical methods for analysis of fertilizers, detergents, water and Polymer, Paint and pigment 34403

Method of Analysis and Applications : I)Pollution Monitoring and Control

II) Analysis of body fluid

CHA-487 Analytical Chemistry Practical Course-II 34405
CHA-488 Analytical Chemistry Practical Course-III 34406
Skill Based Course Practical 34494
Cyber security-IV 34492


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