State Govt. and Universities are facing constantly changing problems, diverse managerial styles, and ever present information needs offer a challenging context for developing computer based information systems. To portray the status of higher education in Maharashtra State, Department of Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Maharashtra has endeavored to collect higher educational statistics through web-based Management Information System. This covers all the Institutions in the State which are pertaining higher education in streams Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law and other Non-AICTE Courses. Data is being collected on several parameters such as teachers, student enrolment, programmes, examination results, education finance, infrastructure etc. This web based MIS uses computer technology to provide information and decision support to Universities and, helping them becomes more effective.
MIS Reports – 2018-19
1. Approved and Filled Positions Subject wise
2. Availability of Study Materials at Higher Educations Library
3. Details of Courses Conducted In The Institution
4. Details on Institute Courses Divisions and Grants
5. Educational Details
6. Enrollment of Students in Programme
7. Expenditure Status of Plan _ Non-Plan Scheme – July-May -2018
8. Institute Hostel Details
9. Manage Minority Student Enrollment
10. MIS_Approval- No Objection Certificate of SPPU
11. Out Turn of Programme-Result
12. PH Students and Expenditure Thereon
13. Physical Education Info
14. Physically Handicapped Student Enrollment
15. Students availing the Facility of Scholarship/Freeships
16. Total Approved SeatsÂ